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为了在一九五二年的丰收基础上,进一步争取一九五三年农业生产上的更大丰收,各地在冬季必须做好以下几项工作:一、继续贯彻治淮任务与大力发动群众性的兴修农田水利运动。这是战胜水、旱灾害,保证明年以及今后农业丰收的重要关键。两年来,在毛主席「一定要把淮河修好」的伟大号召的鼓舞下,经过沿淮地区广大干部、群众的共同努力,全省的治淮工作已获得了重大的成绩;沿淮地区的广大群众已日益深刻地感受到治淮的实际效益。广大干部,民工,经过两年来的治淮教育,政治觉悟已大大提高,同时也积累了不少洽淮的经验。今冬明春的治淮任务相当艰巨,各级人民政府应予以高度重视,并运用与发挥已有的经验,进一步深入动员、组织民工,继续发挥其积极性与创造性,克服各种困难,完成今冬明春治淮的重大任务。兴修农田水利方面,在低洼地区挖沟开渠;丘陵地区兴修塘坝;沿江地区修复江堤、圩堤。要求低洼地区不受或减轻内涝;塘坝灌溉地区争取四十天至五十天不雨不受旱灾;江堤、圩堤超过历年最高洪水位不破堤。同时要求保证工程标准;贯彻合理负担政策;尽量争取冬季多做工,以免影响春耕生产。 In order to further strive for greater harvests in agricultural production in 1953 on the basis of the good harvest of 1952, the following must be done throughout the winter: First, to continue to carry out the task of harnessing the Huai River and vigorously mobilize the masses Hing irrigation farmland water sports. This is an important key to defeating the water and drought and ensuring the agricultural harvest next year and beyond. In the past two years, inspired by the great call by Chairman Mao who “must certainly fix the Huaihe River,” with the concerted efforts of cadres and the masses in the area along the Huaihe River, great achievements have been made in the work of treating the Huaihe River in the province. Huaihe The masses have increasingly felt the real benefits of treating Huai. The vast majority of cadres and migrant workers have greatly enhanced their political consciousness after two years of governing the Huai River and also accumulated a lot of experience in the past. The task of treating Tibet by the winter and the spring will be rather arduous. People’s governments at all levels should attach great importance to this and apply and give full play to their existing experience to further mobilize and organize migrant workers, continue to exert their enthusiasm and creativity, overcome various difficulties and complete the winter of this year Spring Huai important task. Hing irrigation farmland, digging ditches in low-lying areas; Hilly areas to build ponds; along the river area repair dike, dike. Require low-lying areas will not be affected or reduce waterlogging; pond dam irrigation for 40 days to 50 days without rain without drought; river embankment, levee over the calendar year the highest flood level does not break the embankment. At the same time, it is required to ensure engineering standards; implement a reasonable burden policy; try to win more work in winter so as not to affect the plowing production.
三年以来,京津冀相互融合、协同发展,这一城市群如今已成为中国地图上闪亮的明珠,但挑战也与机遇并存,大城市病的治理、公共服务的均衡发展,以及县域经济水平的提升,都迫切需要三地一体化的进程能够跑得更快  对比三年前与现在京津冀城市群的夜间卫星图,不难发现,除了整体亮度和规模更耀眼外,天津市和北京市的差距正在缩小,周围则出现了更多星星点点的亮光。  2014年2月26日,习近平总书记召开座谈会,在讲话中
  B7-H 1, an important member of the B7-CD28 super family, has been reported to play an important role in regulation ofT-cell mediated anti-tumor response, an
  目的:探讨并评估体外扩增的自体脂肪干细胞(Autologous adipose derived stern cellsADSCs)的质量检测及在修复重建外科的临床治疗效果。方法:抽取自体脂肪组织15~20ml,进行
1 专业建设取得的成效rn长沙民政职业技术学院康复医学系社区康复专业是由中央财政支持的国家示范院校建设重点专业.在中央财政、地方财政部门及行业企业的大力支持下,本专业