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中国名菜谱中的「红烧金钱鲍」、「油网鲍片」、「川汤发菜鲍鱼」等海味佳肴,都是以鲍鱼为主料烹制成的。鲍鱼的肉质鲜嫩,爽脆柔滑,清香扑鼻,赢得了中外食客的喜爱。鲍鱼,属贝类软体动物,它的壳像耳朵,又称「海耳」,是中国海味之冠。它分布在温带、亚热带和热带海域。全世界约有九十多种,中国有七八种。主要产于福建、台湾两省沿海。鲍鱼喜欢栖息在盐度高、潮流通畅、水层洁净的浅海滩下海藻繁茂的岩礁地带。成羣栖息,有昼伏夜出和「归巢」的习性,白天多伏在岩石缝中不动,到了「夜深鱼静」时,开始蠕动,离开「驻地」觅食。以海带、裙带菜、马尾藻等藻类植物为食料。食量很大,每增重零点五公斤,就要消耗四 Chinese cuisine recipes in the “stewed abalone”, “oil griddle Bowl”, “Chuan Tang hairy abalone” and other seafood dishes, are based on abalone cooked ingredients. Abalone fresh meat, crisp and silky, fragrant smell, has won the favorite of Chinese and foreign diners. Abalone, a mollusk shellfish, its shell like ear, also known as “sea ear”, is the highest in China’s seafood. It is located in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters. There are about 90 kinds in the world and 78 in China. Mainly produced in Fujian, Taiwan provinces along the coast. Abalone likes to inhabit the algae-laden rocky reefs that inhabit the salty, tidal currents, clean shallow beaches. Habitat with nocturnal and nocturnal emission and the habit of “homing”, during the day and night, many volts do not move in the cracks of the rock. When the fish of the night is quiet, they start to wriggle and leave the “resident” for food. Kelp, wakame, Sargassum algae and other foodstuffs. Large amount of food, each weighing 0.1 kg, it will consume four
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