The modernization paradigm based on monistic multi-linear theory: a response to some comments

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·历史学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:viclee0716
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Long before 1979,Chinese historical research had been dominated by the theory of the Five Modes of Production,according to which the whole Chinese history as well as the other parts of the world had been developed from the first MOD to the last one by one.The modization theories prevailed during the 1950s and the 1960s,bringing about another uni-linear model of historical changes.For example,W.W.Rostow designed a five-stage process as a universal frame work of economic development,based on which each society could find its position in this uni-line.The task of the less developed societies is just to introduce modity from the modized societies so that they can make some developments.Thus modization is a uni-direction movement as well as a uni-linear process.After 1979,modization as a new paradigm has been accepted by an increasing number of Chinese historians.The increasing depth and breadth of the academic researches have encouraged such an acceptance,but,admittedly,as a new conceptual system that corresponded to the historic breakthrough and the new direction towards modization in China.This acceptance also showed the crisis of paradigm,that is,the contradiction between the new themes and the old ones that had dominated Chinese humanities and social sciences.The modization paradigm based on monistic multi-linear theory considers modization as a unique breakthrough in history,a great transformation around the whole world,and a historical process that does not have a given ultimate aim and value but different models and routes.The monistic multi-finear theory on historical development is open and all-embracing in historical studies.A variety of historical paradigms is favorable to prosperity of Chinese history.
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:环境是重要的教育资源,应通过环境的创设和利用,有效地促进幼儿的发展。广义环境观认为,幼儿园的环境是指幼儿園教育赖以进行的一切条件的总和。它既包括人的要素,又包括物的要素;既包括幼儿园内的小环境,又包括与幼儿园教育相关的园外的家庭、社会、自然的大环境。将精神环境和物质环境有机地结合起来。  在幼儿园中,班级可以说是幼儿在家庭之外最先接触的生活环境,环境是重要的教育资源,班