
来源 :辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lai34965
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由于经济和文化等诸多方面的原因,20世纪初期的美国传统价值观和宗教信仰逐渐丧失了主导地位。在这个混乱无序的时代,其他国家的文化引起了美国众多知识分子的极大好奇,他们汲取新的文化,试图寻找新的秩序和对世界新的认知方式。著名的意象派诗人华莱士·史蒂文斯的作品在一定程度上受到中国文化移入的影响。他把中国古代文学与哲学思想融入到其作品中,探讨自然在人类精神生活中的重要作用,强调人与自然的融合和统一。分析中国文化对史蒂文斯作品的移入现象的背景,研究中国文化的意境、表达方式及哲学思想方面潜移默化的移入手段,会对华莱士·史蒂文斯的作品有一个全新的认识。 Due to economic and cultural reasons, the traditional values ​​and religious beliefs of the United States gradually lost their dominance in the early 20th century. In this age of chaos and disorder, the cultures of other countries aroused the great curiosity of many American intellectuals who drew new cultures and tried to find new orders and new ways of understanding the world. The works of the famous Imagist poet Wallace Stevens are to some extent influenced by the shift of Chinese culture. He incorporated ancient Chinese literature and philosophical thought into his works, exploring the important role of nature in the spiritual life of mankind and emphasizing the integration and unification of man and nature. Analyzing the background of the Chinese culture’s shift into the phenomenon of Stevens’s works and studying the subtle influence of Chinese culture on the artistic conception, the way of expression and the philosophical thoughts, will have a new understanding of the works of Wallace Stevens.
<正>1.ABSTRACT1.1.Purpose This paper presents a literature review on government procurement(GP)international trade with China and China buy national policies on
目的观察完全腹膜外腹腔镜补片植入术治疗腹股沟复发疝的临床疗效。方法选择45例腹股沟复发疝患者作为研究对象,进行完全腹膜外腹腔镜补片植入术治疗,观察疗效。结果 45例患