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中国卫生部部长高强目前就中国的卫生形势作专题报告时说,中国有些医疗机构盲目追求高收入,甚至为了追求收入而损害群众利益。高强说,看病贵是造成群众看病难的一个主要原因。一些医疗机构管理不善,医药费用快速增长。医院追求经济利益的倾向不仅加重了群众就诊的难度,也严重影响了医务人员和卫生行业的社会形象。来自卫生部的数字显示,近8年来,医院人均门诊和住院费用平均每年分别增长13%和11%,大大高于居民人均收入增长幅度。2003年与2000年相比,卫生部门管理的医院院均诊疗人数下降4.7%,但医院均收入却增长了69.9%。他说,中国的公立医疗机构运行机制出现了市场化的倾向,公益性质淡化,出现了主要靠向群众就诊收费维持运行和发展的状况。数据表明,财政补助收入增加占医院总收入增加额的9.4%,医疗收入增加占医院总收入增加额的 Speaking to a special report on the health situation in China, Gao Qiang, China’s health minister, said some medical institutions in China blindly pursue high incomes and even harm the interests of the masses in pursuit of income. Gao Qiang said that it is expensive to see a doctor is one of the main reasons for the difficulty of seeing a doctor. Poor management of some medical institutions, the rapid growth of medical costs. The tendency of the hospital to pursue economic benefits not only aggravates the difficulty of the people visiting the hospital, but also seriously affects the social image of the medical staff and the health industry. Figures from the Ministry of Health show that in the past eight years, the per capita outpatient and inpatient expenses of hospitals have increased by an average of 13% and 11% respectively over the past eight years, much higher than the growth rate of per capita income of residents. Compared with 2000, the number of clinics managed by the health sector in hospitals dropped by 4.7% in 2003, while the average hospital receipts increased by 69.9%. He said that the operating mechanism of China’s public medical institutions has tended to be marketized, the nature of public welfare has been weakened, and there has been a situation in which charges mainly depend on the public to maintain operation and development. The data shows that the increase of financial subsidy income accounts for 9.4% of total hospital revenue, the increase of medical income accounts for the increase of total hospital income
药剂简介喷扑液剂系矿物油类与石灰、硫磺复配剂,浙江省科学院柑桔研究所技术开发部研制。防治对象柑桔红蜘蛛。试验结果 1990年3月中旬和4月下旬两次室内测定,对柑桔红蜘蛛
目的用多巴胺诱导的SH-SY5Y细胞凋亡模型,研究从小蜡树皮提取的单体化合物liriodendrin的神经保护作用。方法应用MTT法检测liriodendrin对细胞存活率的影响。应用Annexin V-F