Dendroclimatic response of Abies spectabilis at treeline ecotone of Barun Valley,eastern Nepal Himal

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxianke
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A dendroclimatic study was conducted in the treeline ecotone of Barun Valley,eastern Nepal,to determine the tree-ring climate response and ring width trend of Abies spectabilis.A 160-year-old chronology,from 1850 to 2010,was developed from 38 tree-ring samples.No higher growth in recent decades was observed in tree-ring width in this area.The mean temperature of the current year in February and in the combined winter months of December,January,and February showed significant positive correlation with tree-ring width,although no significant correlation was found between tree-ring width and the precipitation pattern of the region.This tree-ring climate response result is different from that in other studies in Nepal,which could be attributed to location and elevation. A dendroclimatic study was conducted in the treeline ecotone of Barun Valley, eastern Nepal, to determine the tree-ring climate response and ring width trend of Abies spectabilis. A 160-year-old chronology, from 1850 to 2010, was developed from 38 tree -ring samples. No higher growth in recent decades was observed in tree-ring width in this area. The mean temperature of the current year in February and in the combined winter months of December, January, and February showed significant positive correlation with tree- ring width, although no significant correlation was found between tree-ring width and the precipitation pattern of the region. This tree-ring climate response result is different from that in other studies in Nepal, which could be attributed to location and elevation.
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