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根据学生在实习实训中所存在各类质量问题,归纳总结,并在课堂中集中解决,让学生学会如何去分析工件的各项加工要求;根据加工要求与现场设备,制定合理的加工零件工艺。为今后进入企业工作,培养一定的分析和解决问题的能力,从而得到企业的认可,成为社会有用的人才。在上专业课和实习实训时,特别是要求学生看懂加工零件图纸时,由于学生专业知识学得不牢固,不知道如何去把相关知识运用到实习实训中,导致无法理解图纸上相关内容的含义,导致加工零件的方法不得当,造成零件加工不符合图纸要求,造成废品。没有达到实习实训的效果。同时,也不符合学校培养中级工以上的技能工人的要求。根据教学经验,浅谈在专业课中关于工件的加工工艺路线的教学体会。 According to the students in practice training in all kinds of quality problems, summarized, and concentrated in the classroom to solve, so that students learn how to analyze the processing requirements of the workpiece; according to processing requirements and on-site equipment, to develop a reasonable processing of parts technology . For the future into the work of enterprises, to develop a certain ability to analyze and solve problems, which get the recognition of enterprises and become useful social community. In the professional courses and internship training, especially when students need to understand the processing of parts drawings, due to student learning is not solid, do not know how to apply the relevant knowledge to internship training, resulting in the drawings can not understand the relevant content The meaning, leading to the method of processing parts not allowed, resulting in parts processing does not meet the requirements of the drawings, resulting in waste. Did not achieve the effect of internship training. At the same time, it does not meet the requirements of training skilled workers in mid-level or above schools. According to the teaching experience, talk about teaching experience in the specialized course about the processing route of the workpiece.
目的:研究大戟属植物绿玉树Euphorbia tirucalli L.的化学成分。方法:采用正相硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱、反相ODS柱色谱等方法对绿玉树乙醇提取物中的化学成分进行
1988年我院共收治鼠伤寒沙门氏菌肠炎50例,现分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料男28例,女22例,最大者6岁,最小2.5个月,小于1岁者42例,市区10例,郊区19例,县区21例。50例中47
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汪林荷有着高挑的身材,精神的短 发,虽然岁月已毫不留情地在她脸上刻下了痕迹,但她的干练、精明让人一眼就看了个遍。 汪处长1963年-1965年就读于中国人民解放军测绘学院制图系。毕业后在
1999年 2月 2 8日上午 ,湖南省通道侗族自治县公安局林业分局院内庄严肃穆 ,数百名群众自发汇集到这里 ,沉痛悼念因公殉职的共产党员、林业公安干警杨进忠。1999年元月中旬以
 朱主任给我留下的第一印象 是忙。早就计划好要采访他,但总是屡约屡败,屡败屡约。先是他外出开会去了,人不在上海;之后是人回来了,但总是忙着,办公室里找不到他;好容易约到了他做