果汁 爱你生活每一天

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Foliar diseases are common in most maize-producing regions and have caused serious yield reduction in China. To evaluate genetic resistance of parental lines ac
Salt is an abiotic stress factor that strongly affects soybean growth and production. A single dominant gene has been shown to confer salt tolerance in the soyb
Switchgrass(Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm-season rhizomatous perennial grass that can tolerate diverse abiotic stresses while yielding relatively high biomass,
【正】 党是工人阶级的先锋队,是社会主义事业的领导核心,把党建设成为领导全国人民沿着有中国特色社会主义道路不断前进的坚强核心,是党章国法所规定的,应该成为新时期党的
【正】 1992年,中国经济出现了超常规的高速增长。1993年上半年继续加速,GNP增长13.8%,工业总产值增长25.1%。国有单位固定资产投资增长70%,货币净投放527.6亿元,全国零售物价指
Artificial selection during domestication and post-domestication improvement results in loss of genetic diversity near target loci. However, the genetic locus a
A field experiment was conducted to study the impact of the exclusion of the solar UV components on growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in soybean(Gl
Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase(CKX; EC. regulates cytokinin(CK) level in plants and plays an essential role in CK regulatory processes. CKX proteins