
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:du_one
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2006年12月21~22日,全国港口内贸集装箱价格自律协调工作会议在上海召开,并通过了《港口内贸集装箱价格自律行业公约》。公约从2007年1月1日起生效。这次会议由交通部水运司港口处领导、中国港口协会领导及全国56个经营内贸集装箱装卸业务的港口集团与码头企业的领导和相关人员共72人参加,具有广泛的代表性和无可争辩的权威性。这次会议是在党中央号召建立和谐社会,进一步整合经济秩序的背景下进行的,并且在全国港口群起声讨无序竞争和愈演愈烈杀价风的情形下召开的,因而具有深刻的现实意义。无有规矩,不成方圆。现在内贸箱作业费有了一个公约,不但为港口的集装箱企业立了一个有章可循的规矩,而且也为港口整个行业树立了自律的榜样。我们企盼经营其他货种的企业也赶快行动起来,讨论一下哪些码头还在盲目的无序竞争?哪些货种还在不顾血本的杀价?大家群起而讨伐之,从而协商出一个真正符合市场价格规律又基本代表群体利益的“价格公约”。港口要发展,离不开港口生产经营“价格”的理顺和公正。因此,建立一个大家承认和共守的价格公约和联盟,也是当前港口的一项重要工作,必须把它摆在新年伊始的重要议事日程上来。 From December 21 to December 22, 2006, the Conference on Self-coordination and Coordination of Domestic Domestic Container Ports Price was held in Shanghai and adopted the “Convention on the Self-Discipline of Domestic Trade Container Ports”. The Convention entered into force on January 1, 2007. The meeting was led by the port department of the Department of Water Resources and Transportation of the Ministry of Communications and led by the China Port Association and attended by 72 people and about 72 leaders and related personnel of the port group and terminal enterprises operating domestic container handling business nationwide. Argument for authority. The meeting was held against the background of the Central Party Committee called for the establishment of a harmonious society and the further integration of the economic order. It was held in the context of the clashes between the national ports and the intensified price bargaining. It therefore has profound practical significance. No rules, not a radius. Now that there is a convention on the domestic trade box operating costs, not only for the port container business established a rule-based rules, but also for the port industry as a self-regulation role model. We expect companies operating other types of cargo to act quickly to discuss which terminals are still blindly disorderly competition? What kinds of cargo are still in disregard of the bargaining power? We cried together to negotiate a real market price law The “price convention” that basically represents the interests of groups. To develop the port, it is necessary to straighten out and fair the “price” of the port production and operation. Therefore, to establish a price convention and alliance that everyone admits and shares with is also an important task for the current port and must be put on the important agenda of the beginning of the new year.
采用NH3和N2O的等离子体分别对p-Si(多晶硅)薄膜表面进行了钝化处理,处理后的 p-Si TFT(薄膜晶体管)具有比未处理 TFT更优越的性能,通电试验与热应力试验后,处理后的器件呈现出更好的承受电负荷和热应力
5月19日至21日,北京语言文化大学出版社举办"海外著名语言学家讲习所"(第一期),邀请美国著名语言学家 William Labov 教授、Anthony Kroch 教授和 Gillian Sankoff 教授做了社会语言学和历史句法、形式语法、接口句法方面的7场演讲。来自全国58个院所的200余位语言学者和硕士、博士研究生参加了听讲。讲习所邀请我国著名语言学家胡明扬、沈家煊、徐通锵、陈松岑、陆俭明、方立分别担任演讲主持人。作为特邀来