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中美大都会人寿业务经理盛曦对自己现在的工作感到满意,认为找到了“更大范围的人力资源工作舞台。”不过,他的良好感觉,来自于新近跳槽之后的收获所得。因在大学主攻人力资源方向,前4年盛曦加入刚成立不久的北京南开戈德自动识别技术有限公司,开始了自己的HR生涯。在南开戈德,盛曦全面接触了从招聘到培训到薪酬福利,绩效管理等HR管理的方方面面。“与此同时我也开始审视作为HR未来的发展。在国 Sheng Xi, head of life business at the metropolitan United States and China, is satisfied with his current job and believes he has found “a wider range of workplaces for human resources.” However, his good feeling comes from the earnings after the recent job-hopping. Because of the university’s main human resources direction, Sheng Xi joined the newly established Beijing Nankai Gode Automatic Identification Technology Co., Ltd. in the first four years and started his HR career. In Nankai Gold, Sheng Xi has full access to all aspects of HR management, from hiring to training to compensation and benefits to performance management. "At the same time I also began to look at the future development of HR
Dyeing of silk with tea polyphenols had natural colors, no toxicity on human security and biodegradable waste with strong social effects and ecological benefits
In this study, the XRD, FT-IR and DSC were used to characterize the crystallinity, functional groups and thermal properties of Parster fiber. Adsorption kinetic
社会主义核心价值观系列解读之“诚信”  社会主义核心价值观在个人层面上“诚信”被列在第三位。诚信是中华民族的传统美德,也是人类在文明进步过程中共同推崇的一种为人处世的准则。从先哲的“人而无信,不知其可也”,到诗人的“三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻”,再到民间的“一言既出,驷马难追”,都极言诚信的重要。特别是改革开放以来,出于完善社会主义市场经济体制和加强创新社会治理的需要,我们更应该秉持“人无诚信不立,业
出点剐蹭类的小事故就马上找保险公司修车索赔,已经成了很多私家车主遇到交通事故后的第一反应,但人保公司的新车险条款将会逼着车主改变这个习惯。 A small accident out o
The structure and the dyeing performance of kapok were discussed. The means of improving the dyeing performance were summed up. The direct dye uptake of kapok f
Based on the comparison of sodium hydrosulfite and thiourea dioxide, indigo dyeing process by dipping was studied using the thiourea dioxide as the reducing age