Single event upset rate modeling for ultra-deep submicron complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor de

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong457
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Based on the integral method of single event upset(SEU) rate and an improved charge collection model for ultra-deep submicron complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) devices, three methods of SEU rate calculation are verified and compared. The results show that the integral method and the figure of merit(FOM) methods are basically consistent at the ultra-deep submicron level. By proving the validity of the carrier collection model considering charge sharing, the applicability of two FOM methods is verified, and the trends of single-bit and multiple-bit upset rates for ultra-deep submicron CMOS are analyzed. Based on the integral method of single event upset (SEU) rate and an improved charge collection model for ultra-deep submicron complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) devices, three methods of SEU rate calculation are verified and compared. the integral method and the figure of merit (FOM) methods are basically consistent at the ultra-deep submicron level. By proving the validity of the carrier collection model considering charge sharing, the applicability of two FOM methods is verified, and the trends of single -bit and multiple-bit upset rates for ultra-deep submicron CMOS are analyzed.
在北京市大兴区留民营村,有一位自学成才的生态农业专家。他就是留民营生态农场副场长、北京某预备役高炮团副指导员张奎成。 1982年,北京市环保所、北京市能源办公室作出将
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