
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hartyao
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作为命案现场勘查的两个方面,法医与痕检实际作用的充分发挥,有利于提高勘查效率,为后续侦查工作顺利开展提供可靠保障。当前命案现场勘查的工作实际情况是,在某些命案现场勘查中法医与痕检之间的协调配合不到位,导致案件久侦未果,甚至误导侦查,影响着破案效率。为了改变这种不利的发展现状,促使各种刑事案件能够得到有效处理,本文认为应注重法医与痕检在命案现场勘查中的协调合作,提高痕迹物证的提取率和利用率,充分满足案件侦查的需求。基于此,本文就命案现场勘查中法医与痕检之间的协调合作展开论述,以便为命案处理提供必要的参考依据。 As the two aspects of on-the-spot investigation, the practical application of forensic examinations and marks inspections will be brought into full play, which will help improve the efficiency of prospecting and provide reliable guarantee for the successful follow-up investigation. The actual situation of the current scene investigation of the murder case is that the coordination between the forensic examiner and the seizure inspection is not in place during the scene investigation of certain homicide cases, resulting in the long time unsuccessful investigation of the case or even misleading the investigation, thus affecting the efficiency of the case detection. In order to change this unfavorable development status and urge all kinds of criminal cases to be dealt with effectively, this paper argues that we should pay attention to the coordination and cooperation of forensic and mark inspections in the field investigation of homicide cases, improve the extraction rate and utilization rate of trace evidence, and fully meet the needs of case detection The demand. Based on this, this article discusses the coordination and cooperation between forensic examinations and inquisitions in on-the-spot investigation in order to provide the necessary reference for the handling of murder cases.
摘要:新冠肺炎疫情期间的“停课不停学”开启了网络直播课堂的新模式,随着全国各地各级各类学校错时开学,学生业已由“居家学习”转场为“线上线下”融合的课堂,重构“心中有课标、眼里有学生、课堂有活动、融合有策略、评价有效果”的五有课堂,更好地落实课标精神、助力学生核心素养培养,理所当然成为教学的重中之重。  关键词:后疫情 信息技术 初中英语 融合     突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情给新学期的正常开学按下了