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信息环境的飞速发展、科研交流模式的变革、用户信息需求与行为的转变已经并将对图书情报工作产生越来越深刻的影响,图书情报机构及其服务模式正在向知识、智能、智慧、泛在以及开放创新方向转型。在这一重要的转型期,图书情报人员能否充分利用信息搜索、知识组织、情报分析、学科服务的专业方法和工具,主动而能动地融入用户的科研与学习一线,嵌入用户的工作与生活环境,为其提供更加专业化、个性化、智能化的深度知识服务,将决定图书情报机构和图书情报人员在激烈的竞争中能否赢得一席之地,发挥应有或更大的作用。为更好地总结近年国内外关于图书情报服务变革与转型的理论研究成果,交流各图书馆、情报所及各类信息服务机构转型过程中的创新性实践经验,推动并加快图书情报服务转型的实现,《图书情报工作》杂志社将于2014年9月23-25日在美丽的中朝边境小城延吉市召开“转型期的图书情报服务模式变革”学术研讨会暨《图书情报工作》第31次学术研讨会。现面 The rapid development of the information environment, the change of the mode of scientific research and exchange, the change of the user’s information needs and behaviors have had and will have a more and more profound influence on the library and information work. The library and intelligence service and its service mode are changing to knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, In the direction of innovation and innovation. In this important transformation period, can LIS staff take full advantage of the professional methods and tools of information search, knowledge organization, intelligence analysis and discipline service, actively and morally integrate with the user’s research and learning, and embed the user’s work and life Environment, to provide them with more specialized, personalized and intelligent knowledge services will determine whether the LIS agencies and LIS staff can win a place in the fierce competition and play their due role or greater. In order to better summarize the theoretical research results on the reform and transformation of library and information services at home and abroad in recent years, exchange innovative practical experiences in the process of transformation of various libraries, intelligence agencies and information service agencies, and promote and speed up the transformation of library and information services Achievements, “Library and Information Service” magazine will be held September 23-25, 2014 in Yanji, a beautiful border town of China and the DPRK held a “transformation of library and information service model change” Symposium and “Library and Information Service” 31st Symposium. The face
采用单层分散法(monolayer dispersion)将 Ru3(CO)(12)引入NaY分子筛的孔道中,借助FTIR,EXAFS和UV-VIS等实验手段对其进行测定,发现Ru3(CO)(12)完整地分布于分子筛的超笼内,
用一维和二维核磁共振技术 (gCOSY ,gNOESY ,gHMQC ,gHMBC) ,对莫沙必利的核磁共振氢谱与碳谱进行了指定。计算机模拟的结果证明了我们对吗啉环优势构象的推测 Nuclear magn
本文收集1970~1987年42例新生儿尸检者,对其临床诊断与病理诊断进行分析,供同道参考。 一般资料 入院日龄:~24小时者34例,~3天者3例,~7天者1例,~28天者4例。发病日龄:~24小时者24