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随着科技体制改革的进一步深化,科研经费由过去单一靠国家拨款改为国家拨款与有偿使用及自筹资金相结合办法的逐步完善,如何提高科研单位的经济效益,力争用最少科研投资取得尽可能多的经济收入和良好的社会效益,合理使用科研活动资金等问题变得越来越突出,当前,我国许多科研单位的经济效益普遍不高,科技管理体制和内部经济核算等诸方面都存在着一些问题。下面就此谈谈个人的认识和体会。一、影响科研单位经济效益的因素第一,管理体制因素。长期以来,我国的科技管理体制条块分割,科研单位同经济生产部门联系不甚紧密.科技成果很难及时转化为生产力。经济生产部门的技术要求信息也难以迅速反馈到科研单位。对科研单位和科研课题的投资又要依赖国家拨款,科研单位 With the further deepening of the reform of the science and technology system, the scientific research funds have been gradually improved from the single method of changing state funding to state funding and paid-for use and self-financing in the past. How to improve the economic efficiency of scientific research units so that scientific research can obtain the least The possible problems of more economic income and good social benefits and the rational use of funds for scientific research activities have become increasingly prominent. At present, many scientific research units in our country generally have low economic returns, and there are various aspects such as the scientific and technological management system and internal economic accounting Some questions. Here to talk about personal understanding and experience. First, the factors that affect the economic efficiency of scientific research units First, the management system factors. For a long time, the science and technology management system in our country has been divided into several sections, and the research institutes have not got close contact with the economic production departments, and it is very difficult for the scientific and technological achievements to be converted into productive forces in time. Technical requirements of economic production department information is also difficult to quickly feedback to scientific research units. Investment in research institutes and research projects depends on state funding and scientific research units
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摘 要: 传统思想品德教学中忽视教学生活化,使教学效果大打折扣。为了改变这一现状,增强教学效果,应该做到初中思想品德教学生活化,落实教学目标和教学理念。  关键词: 初中思想品德 教学生活化 教学探究  我国著名教育家陶行知这样说过:我们从不怀疑,教育的中心是生活。用生活教育学生,才能真正体现教育的力量和价值所在。但从初中思想品德教学现状看,存在非常严重的“知与行”脱节的现象。换句话说,学生只是在
知情认可 ,或称知情同意 (informedconsent)是指患者有权知道自己的病情和医生所采取的诊治方法 ,并对方法的有效率、成功率及并发症有获知权 ,以便决定同意还是拒绝接受该方
近两个月来,不少读者给我们来信,询问有关新版发票监制章的更换时间以及印模等问题,本刊记者为此走访了国家税务局税收征管司,他们就此问题作了如下说明。 In the past two