Zircon LA-ICPMS study and petrogenesis simulation of Dahuabei pluton in the Wulashan area,Inner Mong

来源 :自然科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ben349408481
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Dahuabei pluton in the Wulashan area,Inner Mongolia,is an alkaline and peraluminous granitic pluton.LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of zircons indicates that this pluton crystallized at 330±10 Myr.The pluton did not experience apparent zircon fractionation.The consistent temperatures between Zr saturation (765℃) and the average zircon-rutile Ti equilibrium (780℃),together with zircon ages and their CL images,indicated that there were no inherited zircons in this pluton.Through the simulation of the dry-system crystallization process of magma cooling at 200 MPa and 1100-709℃,the phase diagram and composition evolution tendency of different phases were obtained.The magma reached its liquidus at 1069℃.Sanidine was the first crystallized phase;at 709℃ the residual magma was less than 4%,and the range of 1069-719℃ should be the most suitable approach to the real condition.It is shown that at least some part of the pluton underwent such isobaric equilibrium crystallization processes during its crystallization.
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