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  回龙潭 Dragon Pool
  草场滑草 Tourists enjoy grass-skiing at the valley.
  尤溪镇投资百万元,建成水上活动基地和CS真人野外拓展训练基地藉此吸引更多的游客光临景点消费,进一步刺激旅游经济发展。他们新引进总投资1000万元,开发建设指岩滑草场至情人岛十里沿线,即将建成多个探险项目。与此同时,他们通过网络、发放消费券、节庆活动等形式加强旅游宣传和推介,先后举办了以江南大峡谷为名的自行车邀请赛、漂流节和“金秋尤溪 •峡谷嘉年华”等特色节庆活动。2011年,又推出了“春之邀 •踏青拾野趣”“夏之乐 •激情飞峡谷”“秋之韵 •乡村嘉年华”“冬之欢 •笑靥农家乐”系列活动,唱响乡村旅游“四季歌”,让游客真正体验到“时时有快乐”“人人都快乐”的感觉。目前,尤溪镇已成为浙江省首批风情小镇。
  峡谷漂流 Rafting in a stream flanked by towering cliffs
  Youxi Valley in Linhai, a region in the south of Taizhou City in central Zhejiang Province, has recently put itself on the map as a big scenic tourism attraction. We visit the valley the other day to explore the idyllic beauty.
  Youxi Township is about 12 kilometers in the southwest of Lin-hai, a central city in the southern Zhejiang Province. Take another kilometer and we reach Zhiyan Village situated at the lowest end of the grand valley. Near the village stands Fahai Temple, one of the eight ancient temples in Linhai. The Buddhist sanctuary, first erected during the Five Dynasties (907-960), went through destruc-tion and reconstruction several times in history. It looks new now. We wonder if tourism will possibly negatively affect the monks for their contemplation on Buddhism.
  Tourists start exploring the valley at its entrance, the lowest point of a spectacular valley. So we start at the entrance and trace the 35-kilometer-long terrain upwards spreading like a giant staircase. The valley goes through narrow spots and steep cliffs, waterfalls, a Buddhist temple, bamboo and pine forests, idyllic villages, or-chards, farmland.
  The scenic beauty of the valley was unknown to the outside world for centuries until recently. The local government put forward a strategy to develop ecotourism along the valley. The government has invested 10 million to develop tourist attractions such as waft-ing, fishing ponds, orchards, grass skiing, vegetable gardens, home restaurants, Yueju opera performance and many other attractions. Also on the blueprint are 20 some adventure routes zigzagging through the valley’s terrain for outdoor enthusiasts. These tourist attractions are developed for all the four seasons so that tourists can come all the year round and find something appealing.
  In order to promote the valley to tourists, the local government has launched a series of regular activities and events such as waft-ing festivals, bike competitions, spring jaunts in the wilderness, wine and dine at rural restaurants in the winter.
  The biggest attraction at the valley for us is the grass-skiing slope. The imported turf looks fine. The steepest part of the ski-
  ing course is 30 degrees. The skiing slope is the first of its kind in
  Taizhou. Tourists can ski in two ways. You go either by gliding down on ski shoes or by taking a sledge ride.
  It seems that Zhiyan Village is the very center of many attrac-tions. Around the village are bamboo forests and orchards. People can pick grapes and mulberry in the orchards. Unfortunately, we come in winter and it is no season for picking grape and mulberry. Nor do we have time for fishing or picnicking. As a matter of time, we have no time for staying at Zhiyan Village. We travel into the valley.
  Soon we reach an isle. The spot is called Lovers Valley where the isle floats at a place where two streams converge and connects with a reservoir. The isle is a venue for a series of outdoor activities such as fishing, barbecuing and camping.
  After the isle we come to Chijia Pool where two waterfalls splash down the valley. It is a spectacular view. After that, we come to Xi-azhang, a village nestled in the valley. This village offers two things to tourists: home restaurants and wafting. At present, the village has 34 home-run restaurants/inns that can accommodate about 1,000 diners at the same time. People can stay in the village for a night or two. Village shops sell local mountain produce under some regis-tered trademarks. We have lunch in one of restaurants.
  After lunch, we reach Tunnel Gorge for a thrilling experience of wafting. The gorge is only a few meters wide, with cliffs ris-ing high into the sky and trees reaching out overhead. The starting spot for the 6.8-km wafting is at the foot of Red Rock Foot Reser-voir. The 6.8-km journey has more than 50 dangerous passes with a drop height of 183 meters. The biggest drop is 10 meters. The commercial pitch for the thrilling experience sums up the wafting succinctly: Men laugh all the way and women scream all the way. The journey is roughly divided into two sections. The upstream part is full rapids and drops for experiencing the thrilling adventure whereas the downstream section is relatively smooth for sightsee-ing. The Red Rock Foot Reservoir presents a great view of waters and mountains. □
本文主要从以下几个部分展开论述:  第一部分 背景  生物发光(bioluminescence)是一种生物体内合成的化学物质不依赖机体对光的吸收,但在特殊酶的作用下将化学能几乎100%转
吴凤花、陈飞表演的《梁祝楼台会》。 Wu Fenghua and Chen Fei in Butterfly Lovers  “碧草青青花盛开,彩蝶双双久徘徊……”    不久前的一个晚上,越剧明星版《梁山伯与祝英台》在位于拉萨的西藏人民大会堂上演,自治区领导和千余名观众一同观看了演出。这是百年越剧首次走进雪域高原,也是明星版《梁祝》3年来全国巡演的最后一站。  这次巡演,剧组走遍国内80多个城市