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  For a boy of fourteen his own home is the only Paradise. To live in a strange house with strange people is 1)little short of torture, while the height of bliss is to receive the kind looks of women, and never to be slighted by them. It was 2)anguish to Phatik to be the unwelcome guest in his aunt’s house, despised by this elderly woman, and slighted, on every occasion. If his aunt asked him to do anything for her, he would be so overjoyed that he would overdo it; and then she would tell him not to be so stupid, but to get on with his lessons.

  The 3)cramped atmosphere of neglect in his aunt’s house oppressed Phatik so much that he felt that he could hardly breathe. He wanted to go out into the open country and fill his lungs and breathe freely. But there was no open country to go to. Surrounded on all sides by Calcutta houses and walls, he would dream night after night of his village home, and long to be back there. He remembered the glorious meadow where he used to fly his kite all day long; the broad river-banks where he would wander about the livelong day singing and shouting for joy; the narrow brook where he could go and dive and swim at any time he liked. He thought of his band of boy companions over whom he was 4)despot; and, above all, the memory of that tyrant mother of his, who had such a prejudice against him, occupied him day and night. A kind of physical love like that of animals; a longing to be in the presence of the one who is loved; an inexpressible wistfulness during absence; a silent cry of the 5)inmost heart for the mother, like the lowing of a calf in the twilight; this love, which was almost an animal instinct, agitated the shy, nervous, lean, 6)uncouth and ugly boy. No one could understand it, but it preyed upon his mind continually.
  There was no more backward boy in the whole school than Phatik. He gaped and remained silent when the teacher asked him a question, and like an over-laden ass patiently suffered all the blows that came down on his back. When other boys were out at play, he stood wistfully by the window and gazed at the roofs of the distant houses. And if by chance he 7)espied children playing on the open terrace of any roof, his heart would ache with longing.
  One day he summoned up all his courage, and asked his uncle: “Uncle, when can I go home?”
  His uncle answered; “Wait till the holidays come.” But the holidays would not come till November, and there was a long time still to wait.   One day Phatik lost his lesson-book. Even with the help of books he had found it very difficult indeed to prepare his lesson. Now it was impossible. Day after day the teacher would cane him unmercifully. His condition became so 8)abjectly miserable that even his cousins were ashamed to own him. They began to 9)jeer and insult him more than the other boys. He went to his aunt at last, and told her that he had lost his book. His aunt 10)pursed her lips in contempt, and said: “You great clumsy, country 11)lout. How can I afford, with all my family, to buy you new books five times a month?”
  That night, on his way back from school, Phatik had a bad headache with a fit of shivering. He felt he was going to have an attack of malarial fever. His one great fear was that he would be a 12)nuisance to his aunt. The next morning Phatik was nowhere to be seen.
  All searches in the neighbourhood proved 13)futile. The rain had been pouring in torrents all night, and those who went out in search of the boy got 14)drenched through to the skin. At last Bishamber asked help from the police.
  At the end of the day a police van stopped at the door before the house. It was still raining and the streets were all flooded. Two 15)constables brought out Phatik in their arms and placed him before Bishamber. He was wet through from head to foot, muddy all over, his face and eyes flushed red with fever, and his limbs all trembling. Bishamber carried him in his arms, and took him into the inner apartments. When his wife saw him, she exclaimed; “What a heap of trouble this boy has given us. Hadn’t you better send him home?”
  Phatik heard her words, and sobbed out loud: “Uncle, I was just going home; but they dragged me back again,” The fever rose very high, and all that night the boy was 16)delirious. Bishamber brought in a doctor. Phatik opened his eyes flushed with fever, and looked up to the ceiling, and said vacantly: “Uncle, have the holidays come yet? May I go home?”
  Bishamber wiped the tears from his own eyes, and took Phatik’s lean and burning hands in his own, and sat by him through the night. The boy began again to mutter. At last his voice became excited: “Mother,” he cried, “don’t beat me like that! Mother! I am telling the truth!”
  The next day Phatik became conscious for a short time. He turned his eyes about the room, as if expecting someone to come. At last, with an air of disappointment, his head sank back on the pillow. He turned his face to the wall with a deep sigh. Bishamber knew his thoughts, and, bending down his head, whispered:“Phatik, I have sent for your mother.”   The day went by. The doctor said in a troubled voice that the boy’s condition was very critical.
  Phatik began to cry out: “By the mark!—three 17)fathoms. By the mark—four fathoms. By the mark—.” He had heard the sailor on the river-steamer calling out the mark on the plumb-line. Now he was himself plumbing an unfathomable sea.
  Later in the day Phatik’s mother burst into the room like a whirlwind, and began to toss from side to side and moan and cry in a loud voice. Bishamber tried to calm her agitation, but she flung herself on the bed, and cried: “Phatik, my darling, my darling.”
  Phatik stopped his restless movements for a moment. His hands ceased beating up and down. He said: “Eh?”
  The mother cried again: “Phatik, my darling, my darling.”
  Phatik very slowly turned his head and, without seeing anybody, said: “Mother, the holidays have come.”



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