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“富甲一方”的独竹村位于吴川市振文镇西边,这天,我们在振文镇党委有关领导带领下,走向独竹村。刚到村边,那里的景象,一下子便把我们迷住:一道清澈的渠水,顺着笔直的公路边缘,淙淙流淌,新种的稻田后面,耸立起一幢幢气宇不凡的新楼。几位村干部于村口迎候,我们一同往村里走去。村道是一条宽10米左右的长街。排排楼房迎面而来,都四五层高,不少还装上不锈钢窗,镶着彩色玻璃,叫你不敢相信,这里就是农村!我们随意走进一户人家。直上二楼,一位约莫60岁的大婶,正在厅里陪着孙儿们看电视。那里的一切,一下子又使我们傻了眼:纱帐式的窗帘,油木橱柜,皮革沙发;还有电话、全套音响设备,墙角及通道上摆着几盆常青绿树,幽静而雅致。大婶对我们说,她三个儿子都在广州做生意,每人都有一辆小汽车,家里都建有一幢楼房……我们又走进外表上看去差不多的一家。 The village of Duzhu, rich in armor, is located west of Zhenwen Town, Wuchuan City. On that day, under the leadership of the relevant party committee of Zhenwenzhen, we walked toward Duzhu Village. Went to the edge of the village, where the scene, it suddenly fascinated us: a clear canal, along the straight road edge, wandering flow, the new species of rice fields behind, stands a towering extraordinary new buildings. Several village cadres greet at the entrance to the village, we walked to the village together. Village Road is a long street about 10 meters wide. Row of buildings oncoming, all four or five storeys, many also equipped with stainless steel windows, with stained glass, call you can not believe, here is the countryside! We are free to walk into a family. Straight on the second floor, a lady about 60 years old, is in the hall with grandchildren watching TV. Everything there, all of a sudden made us foolish: yarn curtains, oak cabinets, leather sofas; and telephone, a full set of audio equipment, corner and channel several pots evergreen trees, quiet and elegant. Aunt said to us, her three sons are doing business in Guangzhou, each has a car, home has a building ... ... We went into the appearance of almost the same.
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