2004年10月4日,由微软共同创始人之一、亿万富翁保罗·艾伦(PaulAllen)以及航空专家Burt Rutan共同资助开发的私营飞机太空一号(SpaccshipOne)呼啸着直冲云霄,飞上100公里高度的太空并成功返回位于美国加利福尼亚州的莫哈韦沙漠,创造了民间飞行器冲出地球大气层的历史,赢得了1000万美元的“阿莎利X大奖”(Ansari X-Prize)。此时此刻,全世界的人们都把关注的目光投向太空一号的宇航员,但谁又知道“X大奖”的发起人彼得·代曼底斯(Peter Diamandis)这位宇航企业家(astropreneur)的艰难历程呢?
On October 4, 2004, privately owned SpaccshipOne, co-funded by billionaire Paul Allen and aerospace expert Burt Rutan, one of Microsoft co-founders, whistled to the sky 100-kilometer altitude and successfully returning to the Mojave Desert in California, USA, has created a history of flying private vehicles out of the Earth’s atmosphere and won the $ 10 million “Ansari X-Prize” . At this very moment, people around the world are turning their attention to astronauts on the spacewalk, but who knows Peter Diamandis, the founder of “X Awards,” an astronaut entrepreneur astropreneur) the difficult course?