总结经验 提高质量 增加效益——全国铝型材生产技术交流研讨会议总结

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在全国铝型材生产技术交流研讨会议上,来自工厂、科研院所和高等院校的代表,针对我国铝型材生产中存在的型材质量问题、成品率问题、模具寿命问题、阳极氧化着色的添加剂和封孔问题、引进技术和设备的消化吸收问题、开发铝型材新品种问题等等,提交了大量实用价值很高的论文。这些论文来源于生产和科研实践,对于从事铝合金型材生产的科技人员、管理干部和技术工人都有很大的参考价值。因此,本刊编辑部将其编辑成“全国铝型材生产技术交流研讨会议”专刊出版。由于版面所限,还有14篇论文未能收入本期之内,将放在下一期(第4期)“全国铝型材生产技术交流研讨会议文献续登”栏目中继续刊出。 At the symposium on the exchange of technology for the production of aluminum profiles in China, representatives from factories, research institutes and institutions of higher learning aimed at the problems of profile quality, yield rate, mold life, anodic oxidation coloring additives Sealing problems, the introduction of technology and equipment digestion and absorption issues, the development of new aluminum varieties and so on, submitted a large number of highly practical papers. These papers come from the production and research practice, for the production of aluminum alloy profiles of scientific and technical personnel, management cadres and skilled workers have great reference value. Therefore, the editorial department of this magazine will be edited into a “Symposium on the exchange of production technology of aluminum profiles” special issue. Due to layout restrictions, there are still 14 papers failed to income within the current period, will be placed in the next issue (No. 4) “National Seminar on the aluminum production technology exchange conference continued,” column continued publication.
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