Unforgettable Moments in the Global Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic

来源 :CHINA TODAY | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:larry_john
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  The online photography exhibition “Zooming in on COVID-19: Unforgettable Moments in the Global Fight Against the Pandemic”opened in Beijing on June 29. This online exhibition, fueled by new media and modern technologies, provides a multi-lingual and multi-terminal viewing experience to global audiences.
  Jointly organized by China International Publishing Group(CIPG) and several foreign agencies, the exhibition features more than 200 photographic works from 27 countries that have been severely hit by the coronavirus outbreak.
  Through documenting disordered life and extraordinary moments, those images are expected to inspire countries around the world to cooperate in the battle against the pandemic and jointly build a global community of health for all.
  The exhibition, scheduled to last for six months, is part of international online cultural exchange activities held by CIPG amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

  As the epidemic is gradually brought under control, tourists take the gondola to tour the canal in Venice, Italy on June 12, 2020. Andrea Pattaro

  A couple walk past St. Basil’s Cathedral in the Red Square in Moscow, Russia on May 12, 2020. Valery Sharifulin

  After 83 days of suspension due to COVID-9 since February 27, 2020, the change of guard ceremony at Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, Korea resumes on May 20, 2020. Photo courtesy of Seoul Metropolitan Government
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