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前言 从X射线衍射效果和一般化学分析角度看,对低含量的理解有明显差异。考虑到X射线仪器条件和各种物质对X射线的衍射能力不同,引入“埋伏相”的概念,用它来代替在X射线相分析中的低含量相的概念。所谓“埋伏相”就是指在试样中存在着某一相,它的特定晶面的X射线衍射强度部分或全部被背景的波动所覆盖。在仪器测试条件一定的情况下,对任何物质而言,当其含量逐渐降低时都将存在这一问题。当仪器测试条件好和被测物质衍射能力高时,其“埋伏 Foreword From the perspective of X-ray diffraction and general chemical analysis, there is a clear difference in the understanding of low content. Taking into account the conditions of X-ray equipment and the ability of various substances to diffract X-rays, the concept of “ambush phase” is introduced to replace the concept of low-content phase in X-ray phase analysis. The so-called “ambush phase” means that there is a certain phase in the sample, and its X-ray diffraction intensity of a specific crystal plane is partially or completely covered by background fluctuations. In the case of certain instrument testing conditions, for any substance, when the content is gradually reduced when there will be this problem. When the instrument test conditions and the measured material diffraction ability is high, its "ambush
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