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本刊今年10月号杂志曾刊载《谁来保卫乐凯?》一文,对国内唯一幸存的感光企业乐凯的处境作了深入的报道和剖析。文章引起了读者的广泛关注。朱先生的这篇文章即是诸多回应中的一篇,在这里,我们可以看到一种观察乐凯的全新视野。出希望能给乐凯带去一些有益的发展思路。同时,乐凯公司也向本刊发来传真,原文中若干处文字或数字表述值得商榷: 章文写到“2001年年底以前中国的感光材料领域将不再允许其它外资进入”——实际情况是,美资全行业收购计划未曾达到目的,乐凯有权随时同外界谈判合作。章文写到“乐凯目前拥有1100家连锁店,并以平均每天1家的速度在增长”——最新数字是乐凯专卖店数目近2000家,每天增长23家。章文写到“乐凯除了拥有邹竞院士以及几十名博士、硕士外,剩下一些技术工人了。”——原沈阳中国感光化学研究院早已加入乐凯集团,乐凯本部一直稳定拥有1300多人的技术专家队伍。此外,关于国家承诺注入8亿元资本金,目前已落实近7亿元,而非“绝大部分尚未落实”。乐凯公司愿意向亲爱的读者表达下面的立场: 第一,乐凯这些年一直在精诚努力,公司上下呈现一种积极进取的精神状态,乐凯人的奋斗精神甚至得到了竞争对手的尊敬,乐凯的成绩突出表现在股票的业绩上。近期来观察的中央领导人明确指出:乐凯这几年的工作很有成效,当前是怎样更上一层楼的问题。第二,由于历史的原因,不仅乐凯,整个国家、各个行业与国际先进水平比起来都是有差距的。是不是只要有差距就拱手放弃?在一片“行”与“不行”的争论中,中国乐凯不是昂首阔步走到了今天吗?乐凯还要继续坚定地走下去,并且自信走得更好。第三,章玉贵先生的文章表明乐凯公司对外信息发布渠道有待拓宽。我们今后将改进工作,把最新取得的成绩及时向股民、消费者和各位读者通报。乐凯的命运受到举国上下的关注,至于谁来保卫乐凯的问题,答案是6个字:乐凯保卫乐凯! In October this year, the magazine published the article “Who Will Protect Lekai?” and provided in-depth coverage and analysis of the situation of the only photographic company in the country, Lekai. The article has attracted readers’ extensive attention. Mr. Zhu’s article is one of many responses. Here, we can see a new vision of observing Lucky. Hope can bring some beneficial development ideas to Lucky. At the same time, Lekai also sent a fax to the publication. The text or numbers in the original text are debatable: Zhang Wen wrote that before the end of 2001, China’s photosensitive materials sector will no longer allow foreign capital to enter. Yes, the U.S.-owned industry-wide acquisition plan has not reached its goal. Lekai has the right to negotiate and cooperate with the outside world at any time. Zhang Wen wrote that “Lokkai currently has 1,100 chain stores and is growing at an average rate of one a day” - the latest figure is that there are nearly 2,000 stores in Lekai and there are 23 stores a day. Zhang Wen wrote that “Lok Kai has not only some academic staff but also dozens of Ph.D. and master’s degrees.” – The former Shenyang Institute of Photographic Chemistry had already joined the Lucky Group, and Lekai’s headquarters has been steadily owned. More than 1300 technical experts. In addition, regarding the state’s commitment to inject 800 million yuan in capital, it has already implemented nearly 700 million yuan, instead of “the vast majority have not yet been implemented.” Lekai Company is willing to express the following stance to dear readers: First, Lekai has been working hard all these years, the company has shown a positive and progressive spirit, and the spirit of the Lekai people has even been respected by their competitors. Lucky’s performance is highlighted in the performance of the stock. The leaders of the Central Government who have recently observed that they have made clear: The work of LeKay over the past few years has been very effective, and the current issue is how to go further. Second, due to historical reasons, not only Yuekai, but also the whole country and various industries have a gap compared with the international advanced level. Is it right? If there is a gap, then give it up? In an arguing between “behavior” and “nothing”, is China’s Lekai striding forward today? Lekai will continue to walk steadily and confidently go better. Third, Mr. Zhang Yugui’s article indicates that Lekai’s external information distribution channels need to be broadened. In the future, we will improve our work and inform the shareholders, consumers and readers of the latest achievements. The fate of Lucky is subject to the attention of the whole country. As for the question of who will protect Lucky, the answer is 6 characters: Lekai defends Lucky!
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