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随着电力电子技术、计算机技术和自动控制技术的发展,电气传动技术正经历着比较大的改进。工业生产领域大量使用的异步电动机通过变频调速方式进行速度调节和位移控制,从而可以提高生产工艺水平和降低能源消耗。在当今面临能源危机的条件下,节能降耗不仅有近期的直接经济效益,更有着长远的社会效益。变频调速是公认的交流电动机最理想和最有前途的调速方案,除了具有卓越的调速性能,还有显著的节能作用,变频器是企业技术改造和产品更新换代的理想调速装置。自20世纪80年代变频器被引进中国以来,作为节能应用与速度工艺控制中越来越重要的自动化设备,它得到了快速的发展和广泛的应用。在电力、纺织、化纤、建材、石油、化工、冶金、市政、造纸、食品饮料、烟草等行业以及公用工程(中央空调、供水、水处理和电梯等)中,变频器都发挥着重要的作用。在变频器发展的过程中,还存在着很多值得讨论的话题,从不同的角度也产生出不同的观点。本刊特邀行业专家、设计与制造单位的技术人员就变频器相关的问题提出了自己的看法,希望能给广大读者带来有益的参考,也欢迎感兴趣的读者与行业人士积极参与。 With the development of power electronic technology, computer technology and automatic control technology, electric drive technology is undergoing a great improvement. Induction motors, which are widely used in the field of industrial production, are capable of speed adjustment and displacement control by means of frequency conversion and speed regulation so as to raise the level of production technology and reduce energy consumption. In today’s energy crisis conditions, energy saving not only has immediate economic benefits, but also has long-term social benefits. Frequency control is recognized as the best AC motor and the most promising speed control program, in addition to excellent speed performance, there are significant energy-saving effect, the inverter is the technological transformation of enterprises and products ideal for speed control device. Since the inverter was introduced into China in the 1980s, it has been rapidly developed and widely used as an increasingly important automation device in energy-saving applications and speed process control. Inverters play an important role in industries such as power, textile, chemical fiber, building materials, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, municipal administration, paper making, food and beverage, tobacco and public works (central air conditioning, water supply, water treatment and elevators) . In the process of inverter development, there are still many topics that are worth discussing, from different perspectives also produce different views. Articles invited industry experts, design and manufacture of technical personnel on the inverter-related issues put forward their own views, I hope to give readers a useful reference, but also welcome interested readers and industry professionals to actively participate.