书法是中华民族对人类文化的一个绝妙奉献。可以说,书法是诸多中国艺术文化中最玄妙,最抽象,而又最具广泛意义的艺术门类。一笔、一纸、一墨、一印,足以使情感表达得淋漓尽致。或豪放,或精深、或风雅、或粗拙、或内敛、或外拓、或明快、或谨严、或洒脱、或厚重、或遒劲,区区黑白二原色,容大千世界、纳万般情趣,可仰天高歌,可一泻千里。 世界上本无绝对的黑与白。在书法家的眼中,黑白即“色彩”,是色彩处理上的高度凝聚、集中和强化。经过书家手笔后所呈在观众面前的,是单纯、质朴、隽永、精湛而又灿烂的黑白美,它可以
Calligraphy is a wonderful dedication of the Chinese nation to human culture. It can be said that calligraphy is the most mysterious, the most abstract and the most extensive art category in many Chinese art and culture. A sum, a piece of paper, an ink, a print, enough to make the emotion expressed vividly. Or bold, or deep, elegant, or rough, or introverted, or extension, or bright, or cautious, or free and easy, or heavy, or strong, the black and white two primary colors, containing the world, Singing can be a hesitation. There is no absolute black and white in the world. In the eyes of a calligrapher, black and white, or “color,” is a highly condensed, concentrated and intensified color process. After the book was written in front of the audience, is simple, simple, meaningful, superb and brilliant black and white beauty, it can