Determination of Non-Darcy Porous Flow Boundary Value in Formation Type III

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  Abstract With the oil industrialization area increasing and the fine Petrophysics block decreasing, the oil field is faced with the situation that isn’t enough potential, thus it’s necessary to begin effective developing in formation type III, which has high potential, strong heterogeneity and low permeability. It’s important for reservoir development to understand porous flow law in formation type III. There is a large reserve in formation type III of X block in Daqing Oil Field, whose main formation type is thin and poor formation with thin thickness and poor Petrophysics. To find the boundary value for Non-Darcy porous flow in formation type III, we study the pressure number to recognize Non-Darcy porous flow and Non-Darcy porous flow index in characteristic curve for porous flow. We also study the Non-Darcy porous flow boundary value with two methods, pressure number method whose result is 107 mD, Non-Darcy porous flow index method whose result is 120 mD. The two values are similar, thus the Non-Darcy porous flow degree increases sharply when permeability is less than 10 mD. The study provides theory guide for improving residual oil potential and enhancing development effect in formation type III.
  Key Words:Thin and poor formation; Non-Darcy porous flow boundary value; Pressure number; Non-Darcy porous flow index
  La-Sa-Xing reservoir in Daqing Oil Field has entered into extra high water-cut stage, and formation type I and II went into tertiary oil recovery stage in turn, during which stage water flooding infilling is main method in formation type III, which including the thin and poor formation and unlisted formation. Injection-production contradiction is obvious in formation type III, which is solved by injection-production adjustment in polymer flooding. These measures improve the development effect in formation type III effectively and play an important role in understanding the porous flow rule and characteristic in formation type III and improving residual oil potential.
  X block in Daqing Oil Field has large reserves, more well-developed layers, low permeability and thinner single layer in its formation type III. We can see from its formation type that the thin and poor formations are welldeveloped and the drilling layers and thickness account for over 70% for listed thin formation and independent unlisted formation. Formation type III mainly includes listed thin formation and unlisted formation. The listed thin formation mainly includes effective formation with net pay 0.2-0.4 m. The unlisted formation means the formations which are not included in the reserves during early developing stage of oil field and the poor formations with Petrophysics as oil patch and inrush. It shows certain oil production capacity after water flooding and infilling, which is one of the important objects of improving potential.   The difference between flow in thin and poor formation and that in listed thick formation is that the thin and poor formation has Lithology and Petrophysics with large variation range and serious heterogeneity. From the result of core threshold pressure gradient test, we can see that the porous flow in formation type III of X block is Non-Darcy flow, thus the boundary value of Non-Darcy porous flow in the formation can be determined with pressure number method and Non-Linear porous flow index method.
  Considering Non-Darcy porous flow criterion, which is raised by Dr. Ruan Min from China University of Petroleum, we introduce the conception of “pressure number” to judge the Non-Darcy porous flow, whose formula as following:
  Calculate the pressure number of each core with constant rate mercury injection data as following:
  Table 1 shows that pressure number of most core is more than 5 MPa, which means fluid flow in the formation is Non-Darcy flow, whose aspect ratio-permeability relationship curve as Figure 1:
  Figure 1 shows that aspect ratio decreases with the increasing of permeability, when permeability is more than 100 mD, the decreasing of aspect ratio gets slow. When aspect ratio is great, big pore is surrounded by small throat, the oil (gas) in big pore can’t pass small throat easily, while Jamin effect is strong, and the gas beads and bubbles must overcome more resistance to pass the small throat[10]. By formula (2), calculate the aspect ratio with the permeability in threshold pressure gradient test, and then get the pressure number. Combining the permeability and pressure number, the relationship between them is obtained as following:
  Thus, when pressure number is more than 5 MPa, corresponding permeability is 107.19×10-3μm2, that is the permeability boundary value for Non-Darcy flow is 107×10-3 μm2,and the pressure number decreases with the increasing of permeability, while permeability is less than 10 mD, pressure number increases greatly with the decreasing of permeability.
  From motion equation for Non-Linear porous flow, the velocity equation for fluid through the core is obtained:
  Where, v is the velocity of fluid in core, 10-4 cm3/s; K is permeability, 10-3 μm2, μ is oil viscosity, mPa.s; λ1 is threshold pressure gradient for porous flow in core, MPa/ m, n is Non-Linear porous flow index.   Non-Linear porous flow index shows the Non-Linear degree of Non-Linear porous flow law, which shows as following in Non-Linear porous flow characteristic curve: when n increases, Non-Linear stage in characteristic curve extends, whose curvature gets smaller, the pressure gradient from Non-Linear stage to quasi linear stage gets larger, and the threshold pressure gradient gets larger also, which is needed when oil and water begin flow in formation[11]. Figure 2 is the porous flow curve for core 22, whose Non-Linear porous flow is 2.34.
  Figure 3 shows that, all the porous flow index is larger than 1 and less than 3, with the decreasing of permeability, the index gets larger, and their relationship agrees with equation (5):
  n = -0.3311n(K)+2.5836 (5)
  When n=1, flow rate-pressure gradient curve is a straight line, that is the flow is Darcy linear flow. Therefore, n=1 is the critical value between Darcy linear flow and Non-Darcy linear flow. Calculate K with n, we get K=119.62×10-3μm2, i.e. when permeability is less than 120 mD, the flow is Non-Linear flow, and when it’s less than 10 mD, Non-Linear porous flow index increases greatly with the decreasing of permeability.
  (1) Discuss on two method to determine Non-Darcy porous flow boundary value in formation type III.
  (2) The permeability boundary value for Non-Darcy flow is 107 mD by pressure number method, which is 120 mD by Non-Linear porous flow index method. The two values are similar, thus the Non-Darcy porous flow degree increases sharply when permeability is less than 10 mD.
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乡下外婆家养着三只小鸭。  第一只小鸭叫大巴,它长着一身黄色的羽毛,眼睛像黑黑的玻璃珠闪闪发亮,炯炯有神,鼻子长在嘴巴上,是两个小黑点点,嘴巴非常大,扁扁的,整日“嘎嘎嘎”,仿佛在说话。  大巴的羽毛是嫩黄色的,摸上去非常柔软、舒服,尾巴和头顶上有些黑色的羽毛,像一位头戴黑帽子,下穿燕尾服的绅士,走起路来,跟个小企鹅差不多,屁股两边一扭一扭的,像是在跳舞。它的两只乌溜溜的小眼睛,黑得发紫,真可爱!
小鸟是云朵的好朋友,  一起在空中飞翔,  小鸟开心地吱吱喳喳说个不停。  树木是松鼠的好朋友,  让松鼠乘凉游戏,  树木沙沙沙地摇了起来。  我的好朋友,你在哪里呢?  1.大家猜猜看,小兔子这是要去干吗呢?可是,它在路上遇到了什么困难?  2.这时,又出现了什么动物?小兔子和它说了些什么?做了些什么?  3.小兔子是怎么過河的呢?如果你是小兔子,心情会怎样?  4.小兔子过了河,它俩又说了些
吐司小比萨  材料:一片吐司面包(建议用买的)、一片方形芝士、一片萨拉米、番茄酱、车厘子。  制作:1.准备吐司面包片、芝士、萨拉米。  2.在吐司上挖出凹槽,放进一片芝士。  3.将一片剪成叶子状的萨拉米放入面包,邊缘滴上番茄酱。  4.将吐司放入预热好的烤箱,上下管150度,烤约15分钟即可。
有几片不同树上的叶子,一起来到朵琳的屋里,变成了墙上的一幅画。  它们坐在画里,好奇地打量着屋内,不由得感叹:“屋里和外面简直是两个世界啊!”  夜里,风敲着窗户说想叶子,趁朵琳开窗时溜进来,给叶子们一個热烈的拥抱后又走了。从此后风天天来看叶子,不知道过了多久,墙上画里的叶子全部枯萎了。  原来,这都是因为叶子们太想风,想雨,想白云了。于是,风把叶子的灵魂,带回大自然去了。
故事中的这只小黑鱼,很脆弱,在大鱼袭击时,躲得慢一些就有可能失去生命。后来小黑鱼建议,所有的小红鱼们排列成一个巨大的鱼形,这样大鱼再也不敢来吃掉小鱼了,而小黑鱼自己,做了这只超级大红鱼的眼睛,帮大家去发现远处的风景和一切潜在危险。  我們都是沧海一粟,我们微小,但我们团结起来,就有改变世界的力量。  小朋友,如果你是一条小红鱼,虽然有人帮你去看前面的路,但是你的成功属于你自己,《小黑鱼》的作者李欧
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