执著追求 面向世界——我所见到的线缆企业ISO9000认证情况

来源 :世界机电经贸信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiguangli010
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一、线缆产品质量的单项认证 在改革开放政策的推动下,我国电线电缆产品已跻身于国际市场。一个原来科技、生产、经济落后国家的产品怎样取得国外用户的信任,怎样证明我国产品质量有保证,从而打入国际市场,除了工厂自检及国家商检局检查外,往往是客户委托第三方面权威检测机构来厂调查,检查验收,装船验收,或取样检测,取得合格证后才放行,如果是投标,在履行合同后证实质量没有问 First, the single certification of cable product quality In the reform and opening up policy, China’s wire and cable products have been among the international market. How does a product of the original technology, production, or economically backward country gain the trust of foreign users? How can we prove that our product quality is guaranteed and enter the international market? In addition to the factory self-inspection and inspection by the State Administration of Commodity Inspection, it is often the third-party commissioned by customers. Authoritative inspection agencies come to the factory for investigation, inspection and acceptance, shipment acceptance, or sampling inspection, and release the certificate after obtaining the certificate. If it is a bid, the quality is not confirmed after the performance of the contract.
我们用紫外线照射充氧自血回输疗法(UBIO)治疗急性脑梗死患者,并对治疗前、后平均血小板体积(MPV)的变化进行了观察,报道如下。1资料与方法 急性脑梗死患者58例,均为本院神经内科住院病人,发病
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为了探讨急性脑血管病致单个或多个脏器系统衰竭的临床特点 ,作者分析近几年来本院住院患者中因急性脑血管病死亡的 93例患者及其多系统并发症。1 资料与方法   93例中男
近年来,我们进行了消化性溃疡治疗的研究,发现醋氮酰胺疗效较为优越。现报告如下。一、研究设计 1.病例选择所有病例均在2周内经胃镜检查证实为活动性溃疡住院治疗病人,1个