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近年来,随着社会主义商品经济的迅速发展和全社会政治生活民主化程度的不断提高,人们的传统心理和思维方式发生了深刻的变革,其中一个显著的特点,就是民主意识明显增强。无疑,这一深刻的变革,给思想政治工作带来了新的挑战,它迫切要求一切思想政治工作者充分估计和认识这一发展趋势,在思想政治工作的实践中,不断改进思想方法和工作方法,努力体现平等、协商、开放的时代精神,确立与整个工作对象思想相适应的民主意识。 (一)思想政治工作者应努力消除自命不凡,高人一等的习惯心理,增强平等待人的意识。列宁曾经说过,“民主意味着平等”。思想政治工作的实践表明,教育者和被教育者处于平等的位置,可以大大缩短双方之间的心理差距,有利于坦诚交心,使双方的认识趋向一致;反之,如果教育者自觉高人一等,显示“官”气,则容易使对方敬而远之,难以实现心 In recent years, along with the rapid development of the socialist commodity economy and the continuous improvement of the democratization of political life in the whole society, profound changes have taken place in people’s traditional psychology and ways of thinking. One notable feature of this is that the democratic awareness has been significantly enhanced. Undoubtedly, this profound change has brought new challenges to ideological and political work. It urgently requires all ideological and political workers to fully assess and recognize this trend of development. In the practice of ideological and political work, we must constantly improve our methods and workmanship Methods, strive to embody the spirit of the times of equality, consultation and openness, and establish a sense of democracy appropriate to the thinking of the entire working party. (1) Ideological and political workers should strive to eliminate the pretentious and superior habits of mind and enhance the sense of equality towards others. Lenin once said that “democracy means equality.” The practice of ideological and political work shows that educators and educated people are in equal positions, which can greatly shorten the psychological gap between the two parties and help to make a candid attitude towards each other. All these make the understanding of both sides tend to be the same. On the contrary, if educators are conscious of being superior, Official "gas, it is easy to make each other at arm’s length, it is difficult to achieve the heart