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根据作文试题的出题方式和要求,近年高考情境作文大致可分成填充性、扩展性、延伸性和比较性四种类型。 一、填充性情境作文及对应训练 这类作文,命题者采用空出某些简短的描述内容,要考生根据材料所构成的特定情节环境,准确把握应填写的内容,从而考查考生对文意的理解能力和单项的描述能力。 如1990年高考记叙文写作第一道试题是要求考生分别描述出两个小姑娘跑来对母亲说话时的表情或动作。 这是一道情境试题,要准确把握,必须了解原文的情势。人物的表情或动作受到特定情节、环境的限制,人物的遭遇影响人物的情感情绪,情感外化为表情或动作,联系原文看第一个小姑娘被刺扎破了手指,说玫瑰园是个坏地方,心情应该是不高兴的,因而描写应是“愁眉苦脸”、“噘起嘴巴、泪眼婆娑”、“举着流出鲜血的手指”等;第二个小姑娘说玫瑰园“有花,是个好地方”,心情应是喜悦的,相应的表情或动作应是“笑咪咪的唱着歌儿”、“眉开眼笑,蹦蹦跳跳”等。这样描写的内容与材料前后叙述意思保持吻合一致,文气顺畅。 According to the methods and requirements of the questions in the composition test, the college entrance examination context composition in recent years can be roughly divided into four types: filling, expansibility, extensibility and comparative. First, fill in the situation composition and corresponding training of this type of composition, the proposition by using some vacant description of the content, to candidates according to the specific circumstances of the composition of the material environment, accurately grasp the contents should be filled in, so as to examine the candidates on the meaning of Understanding competencies and individual description capabilities. For example, the first test of the narrative writing in the 1990 college entrance examination was to ask candidates to describe the expressions or actions of two young girls when they ran to speak to their mothers. This is a situation test. To grasp it accurately, we must understand the situation of the original text. The character’s expression or movement is limited by a specific plot or environment. The character’s encounter affects the character’s emotions, and the emotion is externalized into expressions or movements. The original girl is punctured to break the finger and the rose garden is a bad one. Local feelings should be unpleasant, so the description should be “brown,” “open your mouth, tearful,” and “hold your finger out of blood,” and so on; the second little girl said the rose garden “has a flower, it is good ”Local“, the mood should be joy, the corresponding expression or action should be ”laughing Mimi’s singing songs“, ”brows and laughs, jumping and jumping" and so on. The contents of this description are consistent with the meanings of the materials before and after the statement.
文章通过对现有成熟蓄电池工程车适应广州地铁四号线南延段小曲线半径R60 m线路的分析,进行可靠的计算验证,得出了可行的结论。 In this paper, through the analysis of th