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一、科学精神及其基本内涵(一)对科学精神的基本理解按照《辞海》的解释是:“科学实现其社会文化职能的重要形式。是科学文化的主要内容之一。包括自然科学发展所形成的优良传统、认知方式、行为规范和价值取向……”然而,这并不是一个得到广泛认同的或者是标准的定义。人类的科学是不断发展着的,科学精神的含义也是历史地演变的,不同的价值观使得科学家对科学精神有着不同的阐释与界说。同时,由于“科学精神是科学家群体行为规范所体现的一种精神气质,它并不能单纯依靠任何学术规定去简单地定义或解释而只能通过了解科学规范去理解”。(何祚庥)尽管作为中学教师的我们所从事的教学工作,从目前看并不具备很强的专业性,与科学家的研究工作是不可同日而语的,但教师仍然可以通过科学家们多维度、多视 I. The scientific spirit and its basic connotations (1) The basic understanding of the scientific spirit According to the interpretation of “Ci Hai,” it is: “An important form of scientifically fulfilling its social and cultural functions. It is one of the main contents of science and culture, including the development of natural sciences. The resulting fine traditions, cognitive styles, behavioral norms, and value orientation...”However, this is not a widely recognized or standard definition. Human science is constantly evolving, and the meaning of the scientific spirit is also historically evolved. Different values ​​make scientists have different interpretations and definitions of the scientific spirit. At the same time, since the “scientific spirit” is a spiritual temperament embodied in the behavioral norms of a group of scientists, it cannot be simply defined or interpreted on the basis of any academic regulations but can only be understood through understanding scientific norms. (He Yan) Although the teaching work we are engaged in as middle school teachers does not have strong professionalism at present, and the research work of scientists is not the same, but teachers can still pass the scientists in many dimensions and many View
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