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我省木材自中央规定由森工部门统一经营以来,实行了有计划的采伐供应,加强了市场管理,在保证国家基本建设及工矿用材的供应、稳定木材价格、打击投机木商和保护森林资源等方面均取得了很大成绩。但是,两年来对于农民及城乡手工业者用材的供应和在分散产区对农民小量木材的采伐管理方面,均存在不少问题,以致许多地区木材供应紧张,农民想使用小量木材制作农具或日用木器都感困难,引起农民不满。小城镇上木匠铺、家具店或以木材为辅助原料的手工业者也因不易买到木材而生产困难;交通不便的林木分散产区,因当地没有森工机构,农民的小量木材无人收购,造成了部分农民生活与生产方面的困难。这些问题必须迅速予以解决,否则,将直接影响到农业生产和市场安排。为此特作如下指示:(一)对省内木材供应:凡属基建工地、工矿区及九个省辖市和设有森林工业机构的小城镇需用的木材(包括民用及手工业者生产用材),统由森林工业部门切实负责供应。其它小城镇及农村用材(包括农民及手工业者用材),则统由供销合作部门切实负责安排供应。有些地区虽设有森工机构但 Since the central government stipulated by the Central Government to be unified by the forestry department, the province has implemented planned harvesting and supply and strengthened market management. While ensuring the supply of national capital construction and industrial and mining timber, stabilizing timber prices, cracking down on speculators and forest resources protection Have made great achievements. However, for two years there have been many problems with the supply of timber for farmers and urban and rural handicraftsmen and the logging of small amounts of timber from farmers in scattered areas, resulting in tight supply of timber in many areas. Farmers want to use a small amount of timber for farm implements or Daily wood are difficult, causing farmers dissatisfaction. In small towns, carpenters’ shops, furniture stores or handicraftsmen who use wood as a supplementary raw material also have difficulty in producing timber because of their difficulty in buying timber. In scattered forest-producing areas with no convenient transportation, , Causing some difficulties in the life and production of peasants. These problems must be solved promptly or they will directly affect agricultural production and market arrangements. For this special special instructions as follows: (A) the supply of timber in the province: Where are the basic construction sites, industrial and mining areas and nine provincial cities and towns with forest industry agencies need to use wood (including civil and handicrafts production timber ), By the forest industry department responsible for the supply. Other small towns and rural timber (including farmers and handicrafts timber), then by the supply and marketing cooperation department is responsible for the arrangement of supply. In some areas, although there are forestry agencies
阴极射线激发荧光屏的发光亮度由下式决定: B=Aj(V_a-V_o)~(n[1])式中B是发光亮度。A是表征荧光粉特性的常数。j是轰击荧光屏的电流密度。n是指数,其值一般为1~3,取决于发光