专访英国驻沪总领事布莱恩·戴维德森 中英贸易合作将随中国经济转型增强

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我不认为中英两国在经贸合作方面弱于其他国家,反而在经贸方面我们有着更高层次的对话和合作。我们看数字要看整体,不能只看旅游者的数据,我们非常鼓励中国人到英国去。与众多驻外领事一样,英国驻沪总领事布莱恩·戴维德森正在致力于推广英国文化。在近日举行的英国品牌French Connection2012秋冬新品发布会上,总领事先生以嘉宾身份出现在了现场;而前不久英国作家A.S拜尔特在上海与王安忆的对谈会上,同样也看到了他的身影。从去年开始担任英国驻上海总领事的戴维德森,曾在广州有五年的任期。他在French Conncction的秀场后台接受记者专访,周遭的嘈杂音乐并未打乱他有条不紊的外交辞 I do not think that China and Britain are weaker than other countries in economic and trade cooperation. Instead, we have a higher level of dialogue and cooperation in economy and trade. We look at the figures depends on the whole, can not just look at the data of tourists, we very much encourage the Chinese to go to Britain. Like many foreign consuls, Brian Davidson, British Consul General in Shanghai, is working to promote British culture. In the recently held British brand French Connection2012 autumn and winter new conference, the Consul General as a guest appearance at the scene; and shortly before the British writer ASBelter in Shanghai and Wang Anyi’s meeting, also saw him . Davidson, who was British Consul General in Shanghai last year, had a five-year term in Guangzhou. He was interviewed by reporters in the backstage of the show floor of French Conncction. The surrounding noisy music did not disrupt his methodical diplomacy
体现当今供水设备制造科技水平的高新技术产品,ZSG—Ⅲ供水机器人,已由陕西省宝鸡秦新电气公司研制成功并投放市场。它标志着我国供水设备的技术开发获得了新突破。 为了研