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秋季气温凉爽,气温逐渐下降,是盆花生长的又一个旺期。这一时期加强土肥水管理,既能满足盆花旺盛生长的需要,又可为越冬防寒及明春生长、开花积累养分。1.正在开花的花卉,如月季、米兰、茉莉、四季海棠、扶桑等,为提高花卉的观赏价值,不能放松正常的土肥水管理,否则会产生落花现象。2.正在结果的观果花卉,如柑桔类、石榴等,为了使果实生长民好,在正常管理的情况下,应增施1~2次以磷为主的稀液肥。3.对晚秋开花或冬春开花的花卉,如菊花、杜鹃、茶花、迎春等,为孕蕾、保蕾、促其适时开花,应增施氮磷结合、以磷为主的肥料。4.对观叶的盆花,如铁树、棕竹、大竹、吊兰以及松柏等,为使秋 Cool autumn temperatures, the temperature gradually decreased, is another growth of potted bonsai. During this period to strengthen soil and water management, both to meet the vigorous growth of potted need, but also for the winter cold and spring growth, flowering accumulation of nutrients. 1. Flowers are blooming, such as rose, Milan, jasmine, Begonia, hibiscus, etc., in order to improve the ornamental value of flowers, can not relax the normal management of soil and fertilizer, otherwise there will be falling phenomenon. 2. The results of the view of flowers, such as citrus, pomegranate, etc., in order to make people grow good, in the case of normal management, should be added 1 or 2 times the main phosphorus-based liquid fertilizer. 3. Flowers blooming in late autumn or winter and spring, such as chrysanthemum, azalea, Camellia, Yingchun, etc., for pregnant buds, Bao Lei, and promote its timely flowering, nitrogen and phosphorus should be combined to phosphorus-based fertilizer. 4. On the leafy potted plants, such as iron tree, brown bamboo, Otake, spider plants and cypresses, etc., to make autumn