
来源 :环境昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thkinwalking
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2004~2005年对武夷山茶园动物群落进行系统调查。结果表明,茶园动物隶属于3门、8纲、31目、252科、1188种。其中,植食者450种(占总物种数的37.88%)、捕食者323(占27.19%)、寄生者133种(占11.20%)、腐食者230种(占19.36%)、杂食者52种(占4.38%)。在茶园动物群落中,同翅目、疥螨目、柄眼目、鞘翅目为生态优势类群,而柄眼目、直翅目和鳞翅目则为资源优势类群。98.99%的动物物种为稀有种或偶见种,而90.91%的物种为资源次要种。动物群落及植食者、捕食者、寄生者和腐食者的种-多度关系同时符合对数正态分布和对数序列分布,而杂食者的种—多度关系则符合对数序列分布。动物群落及各营养类群的多样性、丰盛度及均匀性都呈现明显的季节消长规律,且其多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)都与物种丰富度和均匀度一致。多样性指数的大小依次为:捕食性类群>寄生性类群>总群落>杂食性类群>植食性类群>腐食性类群;均匀度大小则依次为:寄生性类群>杂食性类群>捕食性类群>总群落>植食性类群>腐食性类群。植食者和腐食者作为空间食物种类资源均能够显著促进群落容纳较多的天敌物种,天敌对这两类群的空间数量跟随效应强,而且捕食者、植食者和腐食者的多样性相互促进。 From 2004 to 2005, the author systematically investigated the tea plantations in Wuyi Mountain. The results showed that the tea plantation belongs to 3 classes, 8 classes, 31 orders, 252 families and 1,188 species. Among them, there were 450 species of plant-eaters (37.88% of the total species), 323 species of predators (27.19%), 133 species of parasites (11.20%), 230 species of decayers (19.36%), (4.38%). Among the tea plantations, Homoptera, Scaberidae, Stalker’s Eye and Coleoptera are the predominant ecologically dominant groups, while the orders of stalk eyes, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera are the resource groups. 98.99% of the animal species are rare or occasional, while 90.91% of the species are minor resources. The species-abundance relationships of animal communities and plant-growers, predators, parasites and rot-eaters coincide with log-normal distribution and logarithmic distribution, while omnivore species-abundance relationships are log-log distribution. The diversity, abundance and evenness of the animal community and nutrition groups all showed obvious seasonal fluctuation and the Shannon-Wiener index was consistent with the species richness and evenness. The order of diversity index is: predatory group> parasitic group> total community> omnivorous group> phytophagous group> carnivorous group; the order of evenness is: parasitic group> omnivorous group> predatory group> Total Communities> Phytophagous> Carnivorous. Vegetarians and rotten eaters as spatial food species resources can significantly promote the community to accommodate more natural enemies, natural enemies of these two groups of spatial number follow-up effect, and the predator, plant-eater and the rotten person’s diversity promote each other .
根据多年的实地调查资料和前人研究资料,对新疆平茶渍属(Aspicilia) 地衣的种类以及它们的分布区、区系特征进行了初步研究.结果表明,分布在新疆的平茶渍属地衣共有33种,主要
通过改变曝气量和空气扩散方式,采用中试对比研究了网格填料和蜂窝管填料对提高曝气过程中氧转移系数和氧转移效率的影响。结果表明,当空气扩散器的初始逸出气泡直径为3 mm、曝气量由2.2 m3/h增至6.2 m3/h时,网格填料曝气池的氧转移系数的平均增长速率是蜂窝管填料曝气池的2.07倍;而且,当曝气量为6.2 m3/h时,前者的氧转移效率是后者的1.6倍。当空气扩散器的初始逸出气泡直径降至80~10
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研究所用60个家系的吉富品系尼罗罗非鱼(GIFT strain Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus;简称吉富罗非鱼)样本均为由世界渔业中心所在地马来西亚引进的原种.采用传统形态学
建立了工业苯酚中有机杂质的固相微萃取-气相色谱(SPME-GC)分析方法.实验考察了SPME萃取温度和萃取时间的影响,同时也优化了热解吸时间.优化后的萃取温度为20 ℃,萃取时间为1