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2004年3月份,本人在建湖县沿河乡特种水产养殖场20亩池塘中进行了异育银鲫成鱼的养殖,取得了显著的经济效益,现将养殖情况介绍如下。一、池塘条件面积20亩,水深1.5~2.2米,同时要求池塘埂坚固、不漏不渗,水源充足,水质清新、无污染,进排水要分开。每年养殖结束后,都要进行1次池 March 2004, I Jianhe County Yanhe Township special aquaculture farm 20 acres of ponds of allogynogenetic crucian carp adult fish has achieved significant economic benefits, the farming situation is as follows. First, the pond area of ​​20 acres, water depth of 1.5 to 2.2 meters, at the same time require the pond 埂 solid, impermeable impermeable, adequate water, fresh water, no pollution, into the drainage to be separated. After the end of farming each year, we must conduct a pool
Nitriding is employed for the hard Fe electrodeposition toproduce a hard-facing and antiwear coating. It only takes 1 h for the hard Fe coating, which is much s
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A 3D unsteady state numerical model of heat transfer in the circumferential laser oxygen cutting of pipes wasdeveloped. In order to minimize the computing time
7.饲养管理 河蟹养殖饲料种类分植物性饲料、动物性饲料和配合饲料。各类饲料的种类和要求为:植物性饲料可用豆饼、花生饼、玉米、小麦、地瓜、土豆、各种水草等。动物性饲
Doped SrTiO3 capacitor-varistor multifunctional ceramics were fabricated by a single sintering process. AC compleximpedance analysis was performed to investigat