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我院在今年一至五月调解离婚的三十九起案件中,有两起原告(均系女方)在先接到调解书后即与他人结婚,而被告对已达成的离婚协议翻悔,拒收调解书。一般情况一方翻悔法院应当进行审判。但一方已与他人结婚,就先要解决结婚一方婚姻无效的问题。这使我们的工作很被动。如杨××(女)诉彭××离婚案,今年二月调解离婚达成协议后,杨××先到法庭领走了调解书,几天后便与他人领取了结婚证。当法庭将调解书邮寄送达彭××时,彭拒收,调解离婚无效。我们及时与有关单位联系,宣布杨××与他人结婚无效,收回了结婚证。可是杨××却不知 In our 39 cases involving divorce from January to May this year, two of the plaintiffs (both women and men) first got married after receiving a conciliation statement, and the defendant pleaded not guilty to the divorce agreement reached book. In general, one party regretted the court should conduct the trial. However, when one party has married another, it must first solve the problem of invalid marriage on the part of the one married person. This makes our work very passive. If Yang XX (female) v. Peng XX’s divorce case reached an agreement on the mediation of divorces in February this year, Yang XX first went to the court to take the mediation letter and received the marriage certificate with others a few days later. When the court sent a conciliation letter to Peng × × by mail, Peng refused to mediate the divorce. We promptly contacted the relevant units to declare that Yang XX was not valid for marriage with others and the marriage certificate was resumed. But Yang × × but I do not know
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The anemia of chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis is characterized by chronic inflammation and release of cytokines,resulting in the upregulation of the iro
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<正> 列宁在苏维埃政权建立后的最初几天就说过:『群众的热烈的创造精神,这就是新社会的主要因素。』一苏维埃国家后来的发展,完全证实了列宁这句话的正确性。随着苏联生活发展的每一个新阶段,劳动人民积极自觉地参加政治、经济、文化各方面生活的活动也增加和扩展起来。