Time–energy high-dimensional one-side device-independent quantum key distribution

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peterkong
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Compared with full device-independent quantum key distribution(DI-QKD), one-side device-independent QKD(1s DI-QKD) needs fewer requirements, which is much easier to meet. In this paper, by applying recently developed novel time–energy entropic uncertainty relations, we present a time–energy high-dimensional one-side device-independent quantum key distribution(HD-QKD) and provide the security proof against coherent attacks. Besides, we connect the security with the quantum steering. By numerical simulation, we obtain the secret key rate for Alice’s different detection efficiencies. The results show that our protocol can performance much better than the original 1s DI-QKD. Furthermore, we clarify the relation among the secret key rate, Alice’s detection efficiency, and the dispersion coefficient. Finally, we simply analyze its performance in the optical fiber channel. Compared to full device-independent quantum key distribution (DI-QKD), one-side device-independent QKD (1s DI- QKD) needs fewer requirements, which is much easier to meet. energy entropic uncertainty relations, we present a time-energy high-dimensional one-side device-independent quantum key distribution (HD-QKD) and provide the security proof against coherent attacks. simulation, we obtain the secret key rate for Alice’s different detection efficiencies. The results show that our protocol can performance much better than the original 1s DI-QKD. Furthermore, we clarify the relation among the secret key rate, Alice’s detection efficiency, and the Finally, we simply analyze its performance in the optical fiber channel.
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