英国进入一个充满变数的微型经济周期——莱坊首席经济师 James Roberts

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核心观点:1、英国经济的基础仍然坚实,房地产始终是一项为长线投资者带来回报的最佳投资。2、对于住宅及商业物业市场而言,脱欧将会带来短期的波动性,并可能对部分物业价值造成下行压力。3、住宅及商业物业市场供应仍然短缺,因此长远的市场动态将维持不变。 Key points: 1. The foundation of the UK economy is still solid. Real estate has always been the best investment for long-term investors. 2. For the residential and commercial property markets, Brexit will bring short-term volatility and may exert downward pressure on the value of some properties. 3. The supply of residential and commercial property markets is still in short supply, so the market dynamics in the long run will remain unchanged.
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