古典浪漫流派的回光返照 1906年5月16日,在奥地利东南部城市格拉茨的歌剧院,幕布正缓缓拉起,理查·施特劳斯站在乐池中开始指挥乐团上演他的歌剧《莎乐美》。这部歌剧完全是根据爱尔兰剧作家王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的剧本改编而来。格拉茨的演出立刻在音乐界当中引起了震惊,然而五个月前这部歌剧在德累斯顿的首演却反应平平。值得注意的是时任维也纳宫廷歌剧院音乐总监的古斯塔夫·马勒与夫人观看了在格拉茨的演出。正是马勒的不懈努力使得《莎乐美》的上演得以通过当时宫廷的严格审查。一时间,人们纷纷赶往格拉茨,在这些人当中除了意大利著名伤感歌剧作曲家普契尼(他想了解他的德国同行在歌剧舞台上的新动向)和十二音序作曲家阿诺德·勋伯格和他的弟子阿尔班·贝格这样的音乐家外,还有大量从维也纳赶来的年轻人,其中还包括了阿道夫·希特勒。
On May 16, 1906, at the Opera House in Graz, southeastern Austria, the curtain slowly pulled up and Richard Strauss stood in the orchestra to begin directing the orchestra to perform his opera “Sha Music and Beauty. ” The opera is entirely based on the playwright Irish playwright Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde) adapted from the script. Graz’s performance immediately caused a shock in the music world, however, five months ago this opera’s debut in Dresden was mediocre. It is worth noting that Gustave Muller, then the music director of the Vienna Palace Opera House, watched the performance in Graz with his wife. It was Mahler’s tireless efforts to make “Salome” staged through the strict examination of the court at the time. For a time, people rushed to Graz, in addition to these people in addition to the famous Italian composer Puccini composer (he wanted to know his German counterparts in the opera stage new trends) and twelve sequencer composer Arnold Hun In addition to such musicians as Berg and his disciple, Albanese, there are a large number of young people coming from Vienna, including Adolf Hitler.