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传统的栽培(大水、大肥、大播量)条件下,小麦高产与倒伏的矛盾日益突出。为了解决这一矛盾,促进小麦单产的进一步提高,研究提出了小麦精播、半精播栽培技术。(一)精量、半精量播种技术精播、半精播栽培亩基本苗6万—12万(黄淮麦区),单株麦苗的营养条件和安全生存空间都大大改善,有利于培育壮苗。精播、半精播栽培的麦田基本苗少,单株成穗较多,以多穗株为主,产量较高。小麦精播、半精播栽培改善了田间的通风透光条件。降低了田间湿度,不仅有利于抑制小麦常见病害的发生,而且显著提高了小麦的抗倒伏能力。改善了群体的光合性能,有利于干物质的积累与分配。精播、半精播小麦单株具有较多的次生根,根系发达,根系的营养范围广,根系活力强,因而对肥、水的吸收能力强;加之精播、半精播小麦具有较高的经济系数,因而水、肥生产效率较高。(二)垄作高效栽培技术与传统平作栽培技术相比,垄作技术具有以下特点: The traditional cultivation (flood, fat, seeding) conditions, the contradiction between high yield and lodging of wheat has become increasingly prominent. In order to solve this contradiction and promote the further improvement of wheat yield, the study put forward the wheat sowing, semi-sowing cultivation techniques. (A) precision, semi-precision sowing technology precision broadcast, semi-intensive sowing Mu basic seedlings 60000 -120000 (Huanghuai wheat area), single malt nutrition and safety living space are greatly improved, is conducive to nurturing Strong seedlings. Seeding, semi-precision sowing less wheat seedling basic, more spikes per plant, with more ear-based, higher yield. Precision sowing of wheat, semi-precision sowing to improve the field of ventilation and light conditions. Reduce the humidity in the field, not only conducive to inhibiting the occurrence of common diseases in wheat, but also significantly improve the lodging resistance of wheat. Improve the photosynthetic performance of the population, is conducive to the accumulation and distribution of dry matter. Seeding and semi-sowing wheat plants had more secondary roots, developed root system, a wide range of root nutrition, strong root activity and strong absorption capacity for fertilizer and water. In addition, the precision of semi-precision sowing of wheat was higher Economic coefficient, so water, fertilizer production efficiency higher. (B) Ridge efficient cultivation techniques Compared with the traditional flat cultivation techniques, ridge technology has the following characteristics:
保罗·朗格朗  保罗·朗格朗( Paul Lengrand )(1910—2003)[3-9],法国著名成人教育家、终身教育理论家和实践家,被誉为“终身教育之父”。1910年12月12日出生于法国东北部的港口城
目的:  探讨单J管前置顺流冲洗经尿道输尿管镜超声碎石清石术防止输尿管结石残留的可行与安全性。  资料与方法:  选取2015年10月-2017年12月在连云港市中医院泌尿外科病
圆叶决明是多年生豆科决明属夏季绿肥牧草 ,是从 1990年澳大利亚国际农业研究中心引进的 10 9种牧草中筛选出的综合性状优良的牧草品种。为研究该种群在我国南方中亚热带红壤