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胃肉瘤少见,约占胃恶性肿瘤的1~3%。本科最近成功切除一例巨大的胃平滑肌肉瘤,现报告如下: 患者,男,34岁,因上腹持续性隐痛不适,进行性腹胀一月多于1986年10月16日入本院。检查:消瘦,腹部膨隆;左中上腹可扪及约30×20×10cm的包块,包块质中,边界不清,不活动、无压痛;中下腹移动性浊音~(+);B超检查左中上腹可见实质性不均质的光团,下腹是液形暗区;肝脾不肿大,肾影象清楚,胰腺体尾部消化;诊断胰体尾部肿瘤,于1986年10月28日在持硬麻下剖腹探查。 探查时发现肿瘤占据整个腹腔,大网膜复盖在部 Gastric sarcomas are rare and account for 1 to 3% of gastric malignancies. The undergraduate has recently successfully resection of a huge case of leiomyosarcoma of the stomach. The report is as follows: The patient, male, 34 years old, had persistent abdominal discomfort due to discomfort in the upper abdomen. Progressive bloating occurred in January more than on October 16, 1986. Check: weight loss, abdominal distension; left and right upper abdomen can be palpable about 30 × 20 × 10cm mass, mass, border unclear, inactive, no tenderness; middle and lower abdomen mobile voiced ~ (+); B Excessive examination of the left and right upper quadrants revealed a substantially heterogeneous light mass, the lower abdomen was a liquid dark area; the liver and spleen were not swollen, the renal image was clear, and the pancreas was digested; the pancreatic body and tail tumor was diagnosed in October 1986. On the 28th, the exploratory laparotomy was performed under hard anesthesia. The exploration revealed that the tumor occupies the entire abdominal cavity and the omentum covered
经皮针刺诊断肺部肿瘤的临床应用,国内外文献均有报道。作者于1984年1月至1986年1月经皮纵隔及肺门肿块穿刺38例,报道如下。 病例选择及操作方法 本法病例选择均经X线摄胸部
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世界上最伟大的人是勇于挑战自我的人,世界上最伟大的猫是勇于挑战自己胃口的猫。 The greatest people in the world are those who are brave enough to challenge themse