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目的了解2010年广西突发公共卫生事件的流行病学特点及其处置情况,为更有效地预防和控制突发公共卫生事件的发生提供科学依据。方法收集广西各地疾病预防控制中心2010年间通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统中国家突发公共卫生事件报告管理信息系统报告的所有突发公共卫生事件和疾病预防控制部门对所有事件的调查、核实资料,并采用描述性流行病学方法对2010年广西突发公共卫生事件进行分析。结果 2010年广西报告传染病(155起)、食物中毒(22起)、职业中毒(4起)、环境因素事件(2起)和其他突发公共卫生事件(2起)共185起,发病7490例,死亡41例,传染病事件数、发病人数分别占总数的83.78%(155/185)、92.68%(6 942/7490),均居各类事件的首位。报告事件数、发病人数最多的城市均为南宁市,分别占总数的29.73%(55/185)、36.06%(2 701/7 490)。农村和乡镇的突发公共卫生事件数(119件)、发病人数(4 170例)、死亡人数(36例)均多于县城、城市,农村和乡镇与县城、城市的波及人口罹患率及死亡率差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。事件数最多的月份为4月份(37起),占全年的20.00%,报告病例数以9月份最多(3 116例),占全年的41.60%,事件数、发病人数较多的疾病主要有手足口病、急性出血性结膜炎、流行性腮腺炎和水痘,分别为51、28、20、15起,发病数高峰季节分别在4、9、11、12月。学校是传染病突发公共卫生事件发生的主要场所(134起),事件数、发病人数以发生在幼托机构、乡小学、乡中学、县中学的比例较高,不同类型学校之间罹患率差别有统计学意义(P<0.01)。疾病预防控制中心在接到事件报告后当天对事件进行调查处理的事件达到了89.19%,而30.81%的事件在事件的首发病例发生8 d以后才接到报告,26.45%的事件持续时间超过了21 d。事件实验室检测率、实验室阳性结果率分别为55.14%、50.81%。结论广西突发公共卫生事件以肠道、呼吸道传染病突发公共卫生事件为主,主要发生在农村及学校。提示应进一步加强肠道、呼吸道传染病的防控工作,重点放在农村和学校,应进一步提高突发公共卫生事件的及时报告率和实验室检测水平。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and disposition of public health emergencies in Guangxi in 2010 and provide a scientific basis for more effective prevention and control of public health emergencies. Methods The CDC collected all the public health emergency and disease prevention and control departments’ reports on the investigation and verification of all the incidents through the information system of public health emergencies reporting and management in the Chinese National Disease Prevention and Control Information System during 2010, Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the public health emergencies in Guangxi in 2010. Results In 2010, a total of 185 cases of infectious diseases (155 cases), food poisoning cases (22 cases), occupational poisonings (4 cases), environmental factor cases (2 cases) and other public health emergency cases (2 cases) were reported in Guangxi. The incidence was 7490 Cases, 41 deaths, 83.78% (155/185) of infectious diseases and 92.68% (6942/7490) of infectious diseases respectively, ranking first in all kinds of incidents. The cities with the largest number of reported incidents and the highest number of them were Nanning City, accounting for 29.73% (55/185) and 36.06% (2 701/7 490) respectively. The number of public health emergencies (119 cases) and the number of cases (4 170 cases) and the death toll (36 cases) in rural areas and townships were higher than those in counties, cities, rural areas, townships and counties, and the urban population affected the rate of death and death The difference was statistically significant (all P <0.01). The months with the highest number of incidents were in April (37 cases), accounting for 20.00% of the annual total. The number of reported cases was the highest in September (3,116 cases), accounting for 41.60% of the total number of incidents in the year. The number of incidents and the number of patients with the most major incidents were mainly A hand foot and mouth disease, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, mumps and chickenpox, were 51,28,20,15, the peak incidence of the season were in 4, 9, 11, December. The school is the main place for the occurrence of public health emergency of infectious diseases (134 cases), the number of incidents and the number of patients occurred in the proportion of kindergartens, township schools, township schools and county schools, and the attack rates among different types of schools The difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention made 89.19% of the incidents investigated and dealt with on the day it was reported, while 30.81% of the incidents were reported 8 days after the first incident and 26.45% of the incidents last longer than the first 21 d. Incident laboratory test rate, laboratory-positive results were 55.14%, 50.81%. Conclusion The public health emergencies in Guangxi are mainly public health emergencies of intestinal and respiratory infectious diseases, mainly in rural areas and schools. It is suggested that the prevention and control of intestinal and respiratory infectious diseases should be further strengthened with the emphasis on rural areas and schools. The timely reporting rate of public health emergencies and laboratory testing should be further improved.
在一个理论大于实践的年代,我们似乎更关注那些技艺精湛且具美学含量的作品;之所以称道它们,是立足于一种价值评判-拒绝美感是荒谬的。 我们正是从这里出发,在美学强大、艺
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为了更快更准确地掌握学校、托幼机构的传染病疫情信息,及时作出预警预测,为防控工作赢取时间,2007年佛山市成功开发了“学生健康监护信息系统”, 经过3年时间的不断推广和完