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古往今来,许多商店、餐馆、酒家和茶楼都悬挂或张巾商联,这是我国商业部门特有的传统装饰艺术,也是一种巧妙的广告方式。 如颜料店的商联:“青黄赤黑白,紫绿朱蓝橙”;木刻店的商联:“事业如今刻鹄,文心自古雕龙”;酱菜店的商联:“金鼎酸咸皆宜口,玉缸滋味好充肠”;理发店的商联:“新事业人头做起,旧现象一手推平”;茶馆的商联:“热茶煮沸三江水,笑语温暖万人心”;酒家的商联:“酿成春夏秋冬酒,醉倒东西南北人”……这些精巧的商联,虽文字不多,却将所经营的商品的特色和行业的特点,勾勒得生动贴切,令人回味无穷。 精明的商业老板,还以商联标榜为顾客服务何等周到,来招揽生意。广东兴宁县曾有一家卖凉粉的小店,生意兴隆达几十年,据说这与它门前那副妙联有关。上联云:“为己忙,为人忙,忙里偷闲,喝壶香茶消消汗”,下联曰:“劳心苦,苦中求乐,吃碗凉粉清清心”,横批为“常常坐坐”。一副对联,两句体贴话,说得过客心里十分舒坦,也情不自禁地进店小坐,来一碗品尝品尝。 有些商联,居然使濒临倒闭的店铺起死回生,春风再度。传说从前浙江嘉兴有家“乐兴酒店”,因经营不善,难以生存。此时恰有一位颇有名气的秀才,问明缘由,便劝其继续开下去,并当即挥毫赠联一副。上联是:“东不管西不管酒馆”;下联为:“兴也罢 Since ancient times, many shops, restaurants, restaurants and teahouses are hung or linked to the towel, which is the traditional decorative arts unique to China’s commercial sector. It is also an ingenious way of advertising. Such as the paint shop Lianhe: “green yellow red black and white, purple green Zhu Blue Orange”; Woodcut store affair: “Carved business today, Wen Xin ancient carved dragon”; pickles shop Federation: Yikou, Jade taste good bowel “; Barber shop:” new business people start, the old phenomenon of one-handed push “; teahouse Business Alliance:” hot tea boil Sanjiang water, laughing warm million people “; restaurant Of the Federation: ”into the spring, summer, autumn and winter wine drunk down the things of North and South“ ... ... these sophisticated trade union, though not much text, but the characteristics of the goods they operate and the characteristics of the industry, vividly appropriate, so that Very memorable Shrewd business owners, but also the Trade Association advertised as customer service thoughtful, to solicit business. Xingning County, Guangdong had a shop selling jelly, business is thriving for decades, it is said that in front of it with the couple in the coup. On the joint cloud: ”Busy, busy, sneak in, drink pot of tea eliminate sweat“, the couplet said: ”hard work, bitter music, eat bowl of jelly fresh clear heart,“ horizontal batch of ”often sit.“ A pair of couplets, two words of caring, put it mildly comfortable heart, but also can not help but into the small shop to taste a bowl to taste. Some chambers of commerce, so that the verge of collapse of the shop back to life, spring breeze again. Legend has it that once in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, there was a ”Le Hing Hotel“, which was hard to survive due to poor management. At this point just a well-known scholar, ask the reasons, they persuaded them to continue to open, and immediately give a gift at the Union. The couplet is: ”Regardless of whether the West regardless of West Tavern“; the next as: ”Xing worth mentioning
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