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好评返现是近期商家在网络购物平台上针对消费者评论展开营销活动的新形式,作为一种奖励方式影响了消费者在线评论行为。尽管好评返现这一营销手段在电子商务环境下被卖家广泛应用,但其对消费者在线评论影响的理论分析和实证研究都极其匮乏,鲜有文献涉及。本文以双通道心理账户作为中介机制,运用2(返现额度:高、低)×2(产品体验:正面、负面)的情境模拟实验法分析了好评返现和产品体验的交互项对消费者在线星级评分和文本评论的影响。研究发现:①对于高额度的好评返现,相对于正面体验,负面体验的消费者星级评分的改变值更大,文本评论内容的词性更趋向于中性;对于低额度的好评返现,相对于负面体验,正面体验的消费者星级评分的改变值更大,文本评论内容的词性更趋向于褒义。②对于高额度的好评返现,相对于正面体验,负面体验的消费者更易想起付款的疼痛感,双通道心理账户α系数在产品体验与消费者在线评论的关系中起中介作用;对于低额度的好评返现,相对于负面体验,正面体验的消费者更易想起消费的快乐感,双通道心理账户系数β在产品体验与消费者在线评论的关系中起中介作用。 Praise back now is the recent business online shopping platform for consumers to comment on the new form of marketing activities, as a way to reward consumers affected online commenting behavior. Despite the praise back to the marketing tools widely used by sellers in e-commerce environment, but its theoretical analysis and empirical research on the impact of consumer online reviews are extremely scarce, there is little literature involved. In this paper, a dual-channel psychological account is used as an intermediary mechanism to analyze the interaction between the favorable feedback and the product experience using the scenario simulation experiments of 2 (cashback limit: high and low) × 2 (product experience: positive and negative) Impact of online star ratings and text reviews. The findings are as follows: (1) For the high amount of praise return, the change value of negative experience consumers’ star rating is larger than that of positive experience, and the part of speech content of the text is more neutral; for the low amount of praise return, In contrast to the negative experience, the positive change of the consumer star rating of the positive experience is greater, and the partness of the text comment content tends to be commendable. (2) For the high praise return, compared with the positive experience, negative experience of consumers more likely to think of the pain of payment, dual-channel psychological account alpha coefficient in the product experience and consumer online comment intermediation role; for the low amount The positive feedback, compared with the negative experience, positive experience of consumers more likely to think of consumer happiness, dual-channel psychological account coefficient β in the product experience and consumer online comments intermediary role.
渝桐健康管理中心成立于2014年10月,主要从事养生、美容、美体、女性保养和健康管理,这里规模不大,总面积还不到300平方米,但慕名而来的客人却是络绎不绝。   在美容行业竞争如