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2010年,Shao等人首次引入带关键字搜索的代理重加密(proxy re-encryption with keyword search,PRES)的概念,而且构造出1个在随机预言模型下可证明安全的双向PRES方案,同时该作者提出一个公开问题:怎么构造有效的在标准模型下可证明安全的PRES方案.针对这一公开问题,给出了指定检验者的具有关键字搜索性质的代理重加密(proxy re-encryption with keyword search with a designated tester,dPRES)的定
This paper will carry out corpus stylistic research method and rely on the quantitative and qualitative tools of corpus linguistic to analyze the short story of
By dividing English learners in Chinese university context into intermediate and advanced level learners, the essay argues that fluency rather than accuracy is
当今时代,我国市场格局不断发生变化,,传统人机交互工 作模式成为历史,替之以先进的电气自动化控制系统,随着自动化 控制技术的不断完善和创新,现如今,该技术已经自成体系,并
As a very common language phenomenon in English and Chinese culture, taboo exists in almost every aspects of daily life. Taboo is a relatively sensitive topic a
蛋白质互作用(protein-protein interaction,PPI)网络是广泛存在的一类复杂生物网络,其网络拓扑特征与功能模块分析密切相关.图聚类是对复杂网络进行分析和处理的一种重要计算
As a respond to Larry Cuban’s article about why has the influence of MI been highest on educators’ beliefs and language and least on classrooms practices? Thi
The distinctive form of language emerged from the Internet is gaining more and more attention these days. In fact, different theories and methodologies can supp
Based on learning motivation theory and metacognitive theory, the present study reports questionnaire surveys on correlation between motivation orientations and