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十年前,世界上绝大多数人不知道互联网;三十多年前,连美国总统都不知道PC机;一百多年前,电梯与空调都像是神话;而在17世纪之前,显微镜、温度计、摆钟、气压计这样的常用仪器,充其量也只能是当时的时代超人头脑中才可能存在的一种幻想。 换句话说,从火车、汽车、电灯、电话到电影、电视、电脑、互联网、通讯卫星……这些今天在我们生活中已必不可少的现代工业产品的体系,都是在极短的二、三百年历史中发明和发展起来的。这一切,都与十七世纪首先从欧洲开始的那场工业革命有关。 历史上的工业革命,也称为产业革命,是资本主义生产从手工工场阶段向大机器工业阶段的过渡。 一个辉煌的历史时代往往不是突然出现的。它通常需要漫长的预先准备。工业革命前的欧洲经过千百年科学成果的累积,近代科学渐渐从宗教神学及经院哲学的羁绊下摆脱出来,呈现出世俗化的倾向。它具体体现为近代科学先驱们的数学和实验倾向,这不可避免地导致精密科学即实验实证科学从纯思辩的哲学中分化出来,在这个特定的情境下,技术得以从早先手工作坊的经验化积累与传承中走出来,与精英知识分子的科学实证精神结合在一起,成为“工业革命”这一人类文明大飞跃的智力资源。 Ten years ago, the vast majority of people in the world did not know the Internet; more than 30 years ago, even the President of the United States did not know the PC; over 100 years ago, elevators and air conditioners were both mythological; before the 17th century, the microscope The usual instruments such as thermometers, pendulum clocks, and barometers can only be the illusions that existed in the minds of the times. In other words, from trains, cars, lights, telephones to movies, televisions, computers, the Internet, communications satellites... these modern industrial products that are indispensable in our lives today are all extremely short. Three hundred years of history invented and developed. All this is related to the industrial revolution that began in Europe in the 17th century. The industrial revolution in history, also known as the industrial revolution, is the transition of capitalist production from the handicraft workshop stage to the big machine industry stage. A brilliant historical era is often not sudden. It usually takes a long time to prepare. Europe before the industrial revolution accumulated over thousands of years of scientific achievements. Modern science gradually emerged from the theology of religious theology and scholastic philosophy, and it showed a tendency of secularization. It is embodied in the mathematical and experimental tendencies of modern science pioneers. This inevitably leads to the separation of precision science, that is, experimental positive science, from purely speculative philosophy. In this particular context, technology can be empirically derived from earlier workshops. Coming out of the accumulation and inheritance, combined with the scientific and empirical spirit of the elite intellectuals, it became the intellectual resource of the “industrial revolution”, the great leap of human civilization.
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