In sonic logging, the gliding wave that glides along the borehole wall obtained at the second critical angle is not a shear wave but a Rayleigh wave. Transverse waves are distorted waves and are special cases of distorted waves. According to the conditions that the distorted waves in isotropic homogeneous solid medium must satisfy, it can be seen that the displacement amplitude of distorted waves propagating along the surface of the vacuum-borne solid boundary depends on the negative exponent The relationship between functions decreases with depth. Based on the displacement expression of the glide wave and the boundary conditions at the solid surface, the shear wave can be analyzed as a special case of the distorted wave and can not exist near the solid surface and can not glide along the solid surface. Since this argument can be applied approximately to the condition near the borehole wall in an open-hole well, a theoretical explanation of the failure of the shear-wave to slide along the borehole wall can be derived. The difference between the velocity of transverse wave and the velocity of Rayleigh wave is obvious, so it should not be confused.