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小学生在技能形成时期,往往出现进步,暂时停顿甚至倒退的现象,这就是所谓的数学复习期间常会出现的“高原现象”。其主要表现是:上课无精打采,思想开小差;作业马虎;常看错数字或抄错符号;对一些典型的题目屡做屡错,不思改正。究其原因,从客观上看,数学本身是一种抽象的逻辑思维活动。当学生掌握了最基本的概念、性质、法则、公式后,易出现暂时的停顿现象。那么如何克服这些现象呢?据此,在毕业复习时应注意以下问题: During the period of skill formation, primary school students often make progress, temporarily pause or even go backward. This is the so-called “plateau phenomenon” often appearing during the so-called math review. The main manifestations are: class listlessness, poor thinking open; sloppy jobs; often mistaken numbers or copy the wrong symbol; repeated for some of the typical subjects repeated wrong, do not think correct. The reason, from an objective point of view, mathematics itself is an abstract logical thinking activities. When students master the most basic concepts, nature, law, formula, prone to temporary pauses. So how to overcome these phenomena? Accordingly, the graduation review should pay attention to the following questions:
——重新聚焦上网本,往日风光无限,今日星光黯淡,在平淡与平静中寻求突破……  尽管英特尔将最新的上网本平台发布日期安排到了New Core之前,早在2009年底就推出了代号为PIne-Traft的整套解决方案,但毫无疑问,上网本的现状已经远没有2008年那样风光了。甚至网上流传着一种说法——上网本将在2010年消失,对此我的感觉是它未免太过极端了,不过不得不承认,无论厂商还是消费者,对上网本的关注
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