
来源 :中国科学技术史(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjava2009
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1910~1911年冬春期间发生的东北鼠疫是近代中国最严重的瘟疫,而随后举行的万国鼠疫研究会则是中国第一次主办的国际医学大会.这两件历史事件关系密切,被后人尊称为“近代中国医学先驱”的伍连德在其中扮演了重要的角色.有关东北鼠疫和万国鼠疫研究会的史事有不少论著讨论,有关伍连德的生平事迹也有传记文章,但伍连德与这两件历史事件的密切程度仍有研究的盲点和值得进一步探索之处.本文的第一个论题除了讨论伍连德在整个抗疫活动中所扮演的关键角色外,还反思了伍连德是否是从一个“默默无闻”的医生“一炮而红”,成为东北抗疫斗士;第二个论题主要以会议记录资料讨论伍连德如何以其“会议外交”应对邻近列强利用国际会议来达成他们的政治目的的企图.“,”The Manchurian plague from the winter of 1910 to the spring of 1911 was the worst epidemic in modern China,and the ensuing International Plague Conference marked the first international medical conference hosted by China.There was a close connection between these two historical events,and Wu Lien-Teh伍连德,later extolled as the“pioneer of modern medicine in China,”played a significant role in each.Despite a multitude of treatises discussing the Manchurian plague and the International Plague Conference,as well as biographical articles on the undertakings of Wu,there remains a gap in the research of Wu\'s relation with these two historical events,which is worth further exploration.In addition to the key role and significance of Wu in the entire epidemic fight,the first section of this article analyzes whether the common portrayal of Wu as an obscure,local doctor transformed overnight into a Manchurian plague fighter is accurate.Through an analysis of the conference minutes,the second section focuses on how Wu used“conference diplomacy”to mitigate the neighboring powers\'attempts to achieve their political goals by leveraging this international conference.
杨辉是中国13世纪数学著作的重要作者之一,《详解九章算法》(1261 CE)是现存杨辉最早的一部著作.13~15世纪,杨辉的这部著作在《九章算术》的流传与流行中起到了关键的作用.然而,现存的《详解》刻本残缺不全,并且包含大量舛误,这些阻碍了当代研究者对这部著作的理解.《九章算术》的方程章处理有关我们现在所视作线性方程组的问题,然而阐释《详解》中该章的文本并且恢复与方程有关的数学操作却有困难.通过细致的文本和算法分析,本文作者解释了杨辉对于“方程法”和“正负法”的理解和操作.《详解》中与“正负法”相关的一些
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