Children, women, 9 years old. Due to fever, headache 6 days admission. Half a month before admission, the right mandibular gallbladder swollen, squeeze their own after the first 5 days, children with chills and fever suddenly headache, by the local hospitals with penicillin, streptomycin and other treatment for 5 days, high fever in children Back, accompanied by severe migraine headache. Non-jet vomiting 2 times. Weekday healthy. Physical examination: T38.6 ℃, P100 times, R36 times, BP100 / 60. Medium nutrition development, acute and serious illness, wilting spirit, skin, sclera without yellow dye. Pupil and other big. Cardiopulmonary auscultation (a). Abdominal soft, liver ribs 1cm, no tenderness, spleen (a). Meningeal irritation (a). Pathological reflex did not lead, I no special. Auxiliary examination: peripheral blood Hb100g / L, RBC3.2 × 10-12 / L, N90%, L8%, M2%. Hydrocephalus was colorless and transparent, Pan’s test (a), sugar> 2.7755mmol / L, 2 white blood cells. Urine, blood biochemistry, liver function are normal. Chest through (a). ECG